Alert! Canada’s constitutional ‘correction’ to stop the reset
Canada Act 1982 corrections and Formal Proclamation
On Mar 03, 2022, Nicole Lebrasseur, CEO, The Canadian Peoples’ Union NFP [not for profit] submitted an ‘Official Request to UK for Constitutional Correction’, not an amendment, a legal, lawful ‘correction’ as follows.
Opening statement to UK Imperial Parliament
“Please accept our respectful request for assistance for final corrections to the CANADA ACT 1982 stemming from the Canadian Government failing to meet its obligations to the People of Canada by 1997, given that the Imperial Parliament of the United Kingdom still has policy responsibility over the “Canada Act 1982” as it received Royal Assent within the Imperial Parliament and is still in force within your legislature. We further request a formal Proclamation regarding these corrections as soon as possible to save our country and to restore peace, order, and good governance.”
PDF below.
PDF simplified: History, usurpation of rights, international law, power shift, potential to stop the reset
Mar 25, 2022
What follows is interpretation and distillation of a Mar 03, 2022, ‘Official request to the UK for Final Constitutional Correction’ and formal Proclamation regarding these corrections, to give Canadian citizens and Indigenous Peoples of Canada as a whole, lawful final decision making authority, and to stop a coup d’etat against our sovereignty and humanity, privacy and freedom, resources and country, and to restore peace, order and good governance.
Further to 1931, 1960 and 1982, the Imperial Parliament had, and still owes a responsibility to Canadians citizens and Indigenous Peoples of Canada, whose collective voice was excluded by the Canadian Government from an active role of self-determination in their own governance in the Canada Constitution 1867-1982 (Canada Act 1982), (the “Constitution”).
In 1931, the United Kingdom granted Canadian citizens and Indigenous Peoples the right to self-determination through free and sovereign independence. However, the Canadian government refused to recognize the sovereign prerogative rights of its people.
Transfer of the Canadian Constitution from the United Kingdom to Canadian responsibility was not done in consideration of Canadian citizens and Indigenous Peoples (patriation), but in light of the continued colonialism embodied through the sovereignty and prerogative power of Parliament.
After WWII, the Covenant on Decolonization opened the door to self-determination in 1960. It can be proven through International Law and the Imperial conferences, that the people still remain above the government to intervene whenever we collectively choose. (emphasis added) Self-determination is constant, it is not to be used and discarded only through each federal or provincial election. However, the Canadian and provincial governments made certain that we would not have legal recourse to do so.
The Canada Act 1982 is still in force in the UK Parliament. Although renamed in Canada as the Canada Constitution Act 1867-1982, the federal and provincial governments have been using it with their own constitutions and Supreme Court rulings as playbooks to circumvent the rights of Canadian citizens and Indigenous Peoples. By means of such constitutional conventions, the governments seized the Head-of-State powers granted to us in our Constitution without our full knowledge or consent.
Canadian citizens and Indigenous Peoples of Canada are the de facto [not in their position] employer of all levels of government in Canada, in that it is by our authority that the Canadian government holds its decision-making power in legislature.
The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 16, 1966. Canada acceded to the Covenant on May 19, 1976, as did the United Kingdom.
This correction is not merely about the Prime Minister and all levels of governments arbitrarily passing unconscionable laws that expunged our rights and freedoms, but specifically pertains to derogation from the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the latest affront being invocation of the Emergencies Act, 2022.
In addition, the Canadian judicial system failed and continues to fail its citizens wherein Justices turn the rule of law into opinion pieces issued as rulings, clearly shown during the COVID-19 outbreak and thereafter.
As Canadian citizens and Indigenous Peoples who collectively possess the political and civil right to self-determination, we wish to invoke those rights within our governing structure to mitigate harm to our people and country by those who seek to rape and pillage its resources.
Our purpose and mandate are to once and for all, place Canadian citizens and Indigenous Peoples of Canada collectively in our lawful place within the Canadian Constitution, above the Crown of Canada. Moreover, our rights encompass those of the collective sovereigns to inherit the royal prerogative.
We are asserting our lawful and legal rights not only through corrections omitted from the Statute of Westminster 1931, and implementation of the Canada Act 1982, but also through the international instruments that Canada signed, which form an integral part of customary international law to which Canada must adhere.
In 2022, we witnessed truck convoy supporters from across the country, along with millions of Canadians ready and willing to effectuate fundamental changes as to how Canadian citizens and Indigenous Peoples are to govern our country with elected governments in mutual respect and integrity.
Unbeknownst to most Canadians, the lobbyists whose main purpose is to eliminate our rights and freedoms, thereby destroying the Constitution itself, have participated in the GREAT RESET agenda of the World Economic Forum (WEF) by installing themselves within our political party system of governance, including the establishment in 2008 of the Global Parliament of Mayors.
By invoking our collective political and civil rights, our government will no longer hold the political power bestowed upon it at elections as the ultimate ruler of our country without accountability. The political power belongs to all Canadian citizens and Indigenous Peoples. The same must be said of the collective rights of Indigenous Peoples regarding their governance.
Our mandate is not to destroy our governance or governments, it is about enforcing our lawful and legal collective political and civil rights over our governance. We, as Canadian citizens are willing and ready to legally move forward to invoke much-needed change.
Canadians have options to permanently eradicate corruption within our government once and for all:
to revoke the political power held by those elected;
to change Section 9 of the Constitution entitled “Declaration of Executive Power In The Queen” (Prerogative and Executive Power) to be transferred directly to the collective Canadian citizens and Indigenous Peoples immediately or soonest possible, since the Constitution and Crown Corporation belong to the Canadian citizens and Indigenous Peoples, not to the Government itself.
This demand is our right and one that we will be officially implementing from this day forward, as this is how it should have always been, and can be, in light of the latest COUP D’ETAT by the Trudeau Liberal Government et al.
We ask of the United Kingdom Imperial Government, to implement the necessary modifications to the Canada Act 1982 to reflect the changes required by placing the prerogative, and executive final decision-making authority upon the collective peoples of Canada with all decisions to be made through referenda.
We thought it necessary to request these modifications as our Constitution is still in force in your legislature. We are aware that, whereas our government had not fulfilled all of its requirements, and since it is held within your legislature, then it is still in full force and effect and the final ties to the United Kingdom still remain and have not been spent to this day.
Given the mess within our Constitution and fraudulent acts perpetrated by past and present Canadian governments to ensure immunity from prosecution, or by illegally disallowing our rightful powers, we the Canadian citizens and Indigenous Peoples are presently faced with no other legal recourse (emphasis added) than the use of International Law to which Canada and the United Kingdom were signatories. We further request a formal Proclamation to correct these fraudulent acts soonest possible to save our country and to restore peace, order and good governance.
By lawfully moving forward, the Canadian citizens and Indigenous Peoples, as the collective sovereign, will have greater oversight with legal recourse over our governments surreptitiously selling our country and its resources or revoking our rights by invoking the GREAT RESET COUP D’ETAT created by the WEF, and any other form of dictatorship against our peoples, by reducing our status from citizen to client (emphasis added) in our own country without our informed consent.
By holding an emergency meeting of the United Kingdom Imperial Parliament, you have the opportunity to rectify offences perpetrated on Canadian citizens and Indigenous Peoples, by placing them as the collective Head of State with full powers of the prerogative and executive final decision-making authority over and above the present Crown of Canada. Then the United Kingdom will be free to repeal the Canada Act 1982 once the corrections and assent has been given.
Video in English
Video in French
Click PDF upper right ‘download arrow’ to open/save the PDF [bilingual page].
Custom does not overrule law when decolonization and self determination are the issues
Nicole Lebrasseur initiated legal, lawful action to place final decision making authority with Canadian citizens and Indigenous Peoples as a whole, otherwise attempts to change a long standing status quo risk political and legal interference.
Fraud vitiates every transaction and all contracts
Peoples in decolonized countries can initiate a similar request to take back individual and collective power and stop the reset.
Make new decisions based on intellectual courage
We must find a new plane of thinking and behavior if we are to fully potentialize our humanity and freedom.
Please share this publication widely to stop the reset and create potential for a coherent and liberating path forward. TY!
Dr. Roger Hodkinson is Canada’s mandate-free MD
Dr. Hodkinson’s powerful message arrived minutes after I posted this Blog.
The video, in my view, is validation that Nicole’s request aligns with a higher plan.
Without Prejudice and Without Recourse
Doreen A Agostino