How consent to vote and consent to the jab are eerily similar
Let’s compare the vote and the jab
Each is a freewill choice.
Each requires due diligence to ensure no error on your part.
Each requires research to make informed decisions.
Each has a dark history.
Each affects the collective.
Each limits human potential.
Each controls the human mind, body, spirit/soul.
Each requires courage to release attachment to limiting beliefs.
Each is toxic to life forms.
Each makes us accountable for the consequences.
The vote and the jab are voluntary roulette
How the mRNA Vaccine Affects Humans at the Cellular Level.
Silent politicians 2020-2022
Politicians were silent during the greatest world transfer of wealth because they are all in on it. All of them, every single politician is in on the covid scamdemic and making money off it.
Politicians who did speak out were likely being groomed for popularity in future elections so Canadians continue to give their power of attorney to elected politicians controlled by globalists.
Increase awareness and support
We need a critical mass of Canadians to support a Constitutional Correction that recognizes the civil and political legal rights of Canadian citizens and Indigenous peoples collectively, which is power to change the electoral system so government carries out the will of the people and to stop the global reset.
Voting is consent to crimes against humanity
Globalist Stephen Harper, former Canadian Prime Minister [CPC] has been chairman of the International Democrat Union [IDU] since 2018. IDU members are from ‘all’ parties b/c there is only one political party the ‘new world order’.
2006 co-founder IDU.
Stephen Harper Serial Abuse of Power – Evidence Compiled
Social economy is a euphemism for communism
Global coordination paved the way for historic deterioration of national sovereignty gradually replaced by one world governance with Marxist ideologies. Rise of the Social and Solidarity Economy has taken root and flourished.
Globalist Stephen Harper’s own words 2010
“I know some people don’t like it. It is a loss of national sovereignty, but it is reality.”
“As I constantly remind Canadians, there isn’t really a Canadian economy anymore. It is a global economy.”
Globalist Doug Ford
Dec 08, 2019: Thank you Premier @fordnation for your speech at our #IDUForum2019 opening dinner, etc.
Globalist Maxime Bernier
Maxime Bernier worked with Stephen Harper 2006-2015. Both men remained silent about SNC Lavalin scandal and human big business trafficking in Canada.
Maxim: He who is silent appears to consent.
Soros, Trudeau, SNC & The Canada Investment Bank
The sad reality of Canadian politics is that few people actually spend any time researching the people and parties at play in Canada’s political scene and instead rely on distorted mainstream media editorials for their information.
One thing George Soros, Justin Trudeau, SNC-Lavalin, and the People’s Party of Canada (PPC) have in common is the Canada Investment Bank.
Analysis of the Oct 2006 Tides Foundation Conference reveals a focus on the establishment of a national institution to act as a Social Investment Bank to support the social economy through investment by credit unions, banks, and pension funds. This Social Investment Bank brainchild of the Soros-linked Tides Canada Foundation, is being implemented under the name of the Canada Investment Bank by Justin Trudeau’s government.
At the time these “Banks” were being planned, then-Deputy-Director Johanne Mennie (Executive Director of the PPC) worked under Maxime Bernier. This begs the question: How could he not know about what was discussed at this meeting? He would have approved her expenses and therefore the purpose surrounding those expenses!
Maxime Bernier at the World Economic Forum 2008
Globalist Pierre Poilievre
Senior Opposition Critic for Finance and the National Capital Commission, Conservative Party of Canada
World Economic Forum people
Feb 25, 2015: Inspiring today to hear Bill Gates talk about his work with PM Harper to save moms and newborns in developing world.
2013: Pierre Poilievre’s appointment as minister of state for Democratic Reform showed the rest of caucus what it takes to get ahead in Conservative Ottawa. Forget about competence or working with other parties – to become a minister for Stephen Harper you must leave the truth behind and embrace mean-spirited attacks.
Law of reaping and sowing
Threats and uncertainty of the experimental jab are similar to the threats and uncertainty of globalist controlled politicians. Ignorance of those things which one is bound to know does not excuse.
Many of the terms we've heard in recent years refer to technocracy under names like sustainable development, Agenda 21, UN 2030 Agenda, the New Urban Agenda, green economy, the green new deal, the global warming movement in general, the Great Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Build Back Better.
The common goal of all these movements is to capture all the world's resources for a small global elite with the know-how to program computer systems that will come to dictate the lives of everyone. It's the ultimate form of totalitarianism and absolute destruction of personal freedom and privacy
Globalists have studied and analyzed man inside out for millennia. They know the human ego and how to appeal to human emotion to seduce people into doing their bidding, which includes consent to experimental m-rna gene therapy technology, and faithfully re-electing their kind.
Ask yourself …
Why do people allow globalists to use us against one another?
Why do people VOTE, which is consent to sustain crimes against humanity, debt slavery, toxic food, water, air, technology?
Please share for people to think critically and inform others. TY!
Without Prejudice and Without Recourse
Doreen A Agostino