Thank you, Judy.
WITHOUT respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of people
The World Health Organization is attempting a GLOBAL POWER GRAB by seeking to have the 194 member nations of the World Health Assembly adopt amendments to the International Health Regulations as well as adopt a completely new international agreement commonly referred to as the proposed “Pandemic Treaty.”.
The proposed amendments would make the WHO’s proclamations legally-binding rather than just advisory recommendations. The changes would institute global digital health certificates, dramatically increase billions of dollars available to the WHO and enable nations to implement the regulations WITHOUT respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of people.
Agreement by a simple majority of the 194 member nations is all that is needed to adopt the amendments because, as amendments to an existing agreement, neither the advice and consent of the United States Senate, nor the signature of the President would be required.
These amendments are being negotiated in secret without any opportunity for comment by people from around the world.
EVERYONE ON EARTH must be made aware that the World Health Organization is attempting a global coup. PLEASE share this article with everyone you know and feel free to contact me directly at any time if you have any questions or would like to help in a more substantial way. My name is James Roguski and you can reach me at 310-619-3055 via phone, text, Signal, WhatsApp or Telegram.
Video transcript
The apex of insanity

Stops the shots!
The Canadian COVID Care Alliance is a pan-Canadian group of scientists, physicians, and other health care professionals who came together in a time of extreme censorship of those who believe in open discussions of scientific and medical matters.
I am pleased to announce our campaign, which is known as “Stop the Shots”. This is short for ‘stop administering COVID-19 shots to people, especially children, in the absence of fully informed consent’. This is in recognition of the increasingly acknowledged fact that ever-emerging peer-reviewed science is proving that a vast array of purported ‘experts’ failed to disclose many serious concerns about the COVID-19 ‘vaccines’.
Billboard awareness raising campaign

Rep Chip Roy Introduces Bill to Defund World Health Organization
The bill is titled ‘‘No Taxpayer Funding for the World Health Organization Act.”
It cracks down on contributions to the WHO after they have risen to hundreds of millions of dollars annually.
The United States has now become one of the China-friendly WHO’s largest donors.
“Funneling millions of taxpayer dollars to the corrupt World Health Organization that serves the Chinese Communist Party is a slap in the face to hardworking American families struggling under record high inflation, and to all those whose lives and livelihoods were ruined and destroyed by the COVID pandemic,” Roy said in a statement about the bill.
Withdraw consent to a world coup d’état
Life, liberty and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.
Each of us has a natural right, from the Highest Authority, to defend our person, liberty, and our property. Take lawful, legal, peaceful action now.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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