I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.
If you’re worried about 5G
You may already be living inside a cell tower. When dirty electrical (DE) fields are embedded in our home wiring it can produce high amounts of radiofrequency (RF), measured in power density (uW/m^2, microwatts per meter squared). Power density is defined as the amount of power per unit volume.
Webinar June 20th on dirty electricity and more
How do we know if we’ve turned our home into a 5G cell tower? By first knowing how to measure radiofrequency. To eat the beast of radiation one byte at a time, we must prioritize. This is a basic framework of how we advise clients and students to get R-I-D of EMF:
Priority 1: Reduce EMFs you can control
Priority 2: Increase distance from EMF you can’t avoid
Priority 3: Decrease outside sources of EMF
Priority 4: Shield ourselves when all else fails
How to reduce sources of dirty electricity (DE)?
First we need to unplug, discard, and/or use a DE filter for the following devices:
Solar System Inverters (converting DC power to AC power)
Laptop and phone chargers (have a switch mode power supply aka SMPS)
EV chargers (SMPS converting high current AC power to DC power)
Smart Meters (sending data over the powerlines by adding additional frequencies)
Wireless Smart Meters that add pulsed frequencies to the powerlines
Ethernet-over-power data wiring adapters4
CFL and some LED lightbulbs, dimmer switches (replace with incandescent)
Light Dimmer Switches
Wireless technology (all wireless frequencies conduct along copper wiring to some extent)
Some EMF pendants can even lead to more electromagnetic poisoning:
After we discard what’s no longer necessary, we can apply appropriate filtration devices like those from Stetzer Electric. (I am not an affiliate). Dave Stetzer is an electrician by training, a senior member of the IEEE, and traveled the globe meeting with other scientists to construct solutions for electropollution.
Here’s what you can learn in this article:
1. How to sign up for our FREE dirty electricity webinar
2. What is the first priority of EMF mitigation?
3. How can we measure dirty electricity in our home?
4. What don’t we know about 5G?
5. How can municipalities in Canada fight 5G?
6. How can we measure levels of 5G
If safeguarding you and family interests you continue at https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/emfmeter#§well-have-a-webinar-june-th-on-de-plus-more
The Dark Side of Solar
Copyright Jeromy Johnson April 2017
Solar technology generates extremely “dirty” electricity, which can and does create health problems for solar system owners and neighbors.
Clean electricity is a pure 60 Hz sine wave (50 Hz in Europe). Dirty electricity has higher frequency transients or harmonics piggybacking on the 60 Hz line. The engineering term for this phenomenon is electromagnetic interference (EMI). This EMI, typically in the KHz and MHz range then radiates from the electrical wiring in your home and creates an electrostatic field that can interfere with the biological processes of your body. EMI is what you hear as static interference on your AM radio when you drive underneath a powerline.
Common health issues related to years of exposure to dirty electricity include:
• Headaches • Hearth Arrhythmia • Skin Rashes • Fatigue • Insomnia • Decreased Cognitive Functioning • Immune, Endocrine and Nervous System Dysfunction • Cancer (See Dr. Sam Milham’s book “Dirty Electricity”)
How solar technology creates dirty electricity
Our current view of environmentalism is incomplete. It blindly accepts any solution remotely related to reducing greenhouse gases, even if that solution endangers our health. The inconvenient truth of our time is that high amounts of EMF pollution created by green technologies has the potential to directly affect each of us as much or more than climate change.
It may take a while for this realization to sink in because it will force us to reconsider many things we hold sacrosanct. However, I am quite hopeful that inventive solutions and new, safer technologies will be developed once we accept this new paradigm. For the time being, however, let’s look at how we can make one technology in particular – solar technology – safer for all.
Please help others to help themselves
By sharing the closest truth that finds each of us each day. TY!
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog
We keep hearing about ways to circumvent these impositions upon our health, but we never talk about how we can stop them. Is it because you've really given up the fight? Is it because you don't think we are powerful enough? Or is it because you just never think of it? It's time to start talking about not just EMF's but the stuff they're spraying in our skies and the poisons they put in our water and food. It's time to talk about all the things they're doing against nature as if it's theirs to do it with. Nature doesn't belong to everyone. What do they think we are, chopped liver?