14 year old destroys school superintendent with the truth + Marxification of Education
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Thank you, Judy.
B R A V O !!! 03:23 mins
How Marxism Entered the School Systems in the 60's
June 2023
Dr. James Lindsay is an author, mathematician, cultural critic and founder of New Discourses, a site dedicated to “pursuing the light of objective truth in subjective darkness.” In today’s episode, we discuss Lindsay’s new book “The Marxification of Education," the cult of critical theory and the “long slow march through institutions'' that corrupted the educational system by political activists masquerading as teachers, and how we can ultimately reclaim our schools.
04:27 mins The model is simple and not hard to understand. If you capture Educational Theory then you can capture the colleges of education. If you get the colleges of education then you can capture the teachers. If you capture the teachers as a kind of a generational model then you get the students in this you get the future. This has been rolling from the 70s trying to figure out how to do it, and by the mid 80s they got that's what marxification of education is actually about. They got linked up Paulo Freire, a Brazilian Marxist educator. He had the model. They figured out how to implement it according to Marxist educator named Isaac Gottesman who was at Iowa State. He wrote a book called ’The Critical Turn in Education’ telling this history. He says by 1992 in colleges of education, Paulo Freire’s work was where it remains today which is everywhere.
Marxification of Education Dr. James Lindsay
The Marxification of Education is a 4 part video series you may want to watch more than once.
Education has been stolen from us and from our children. Yes, stolen. It was deliberately transformed from within, into something that is barely education at all anymore. Instead, it's a systematic program of thought reform (brainwashing) into neo-Marxist belief and activism. The Critical Turn in Education – Part 1 of 4
In addition to creating conditions to swap out actual education for political education, Freire structured his understanding of education and knowledge itself as a Marxist Theory of knowing and being educated. Treating these as a special kind of bourgeois private property, Freire paved the way to abolish education entirely and to reimagine it as a system of brainwashing learners into critical Marxist consciousness
Paulo Freire’s “Critical” Method of Education – Part 2 of 4
The word of the year in education and regarding our children has been “groomer,” which is widely banned across social media now as a result (along with James Lindsay from Twitter for calling this problem out). “Groomer Schools” – Part 3 of 4
The hottest buzzword in education today is Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), but it's not just a buzzword. It's a huge program with almost universal installation (thanks to the Every Student Succeeds Act, ESSA, of 2015) and billions upon billions of dollars behind it. Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) – Part 4 of 4
Source https://www.parentsliberty.com/marxification-of-education-dr-james-lindsay/
Groomer schools
James Lindsay explains the long history of the sexual grooming that has come into our schools through Critical Gender Theory and Queer Theory as they have crept into educational programs. If you want an explanation for how sexually explicit materials, gender ideology, pornography, and strippers made their way into our government schools, including for young children, this is a must-hear.
One of the targets that woke culture wants to dismantle is the innocence of children.
Five part series https://newdiscourses.com/?s=groomer+schools
Help break the silence and defend the children by informing others. TY!
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog