2019 Arbitration Award: Momentous immunity from USA government construct [fictions of law]
When doors close find an open window.
I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.
The Arbitration Award below, won by five Americans, immunized them from the United States government construct. In other words, each of them took lawful, legal action to detach from all fictions of law.
Five Americans detailed explicitly under Remedy/Relief what they wanted, and won, as follows:
A simple and rapid opt in process for every American who chooses to participate in the Arbitration Award.
Unconditional release and setting at Liberty of every American who opts in.
All Americans who opt in include their immediate family (minors). For married couples, both adults need to opt in which then includes their children.
Any case past or present is void.
Individuals who opt in are to receive immediate and unconditional indemnification.
Individuals who opt in are to receive immediate and unconditional immunity.
There is immediate issuance of necessary documentation of the indemnification and the immunity for everyone who opts in.
A return of all property and assets.
All records and systems of records, other than the provided Diplomatic status, are to be expunged and destroyed.
A land patent will be issued, titled in fee simple absolute and possession (the highest form obtainable). It allows you to leave it to your heirs and under a land patent it is free and clear from government obstruction. It must be issued from the Land Patent Office, not from the Bureau of Land Management.
An accounting and return of any and all accounts, of any nature, shape, cause, form, format and kind held or managed by any entity and emanating from the those who opt-in.
No effect on payments based on extraction of funds from labor related but not limited to Social Security, Medicare and Pensions.
Where the law gives a thing, it gives a remedy to recover.
There is no loss without a remedy.
When an ordinary remedy ceases to be of service, recourse must be had to an extraordinary one.
Where there is a right, there is a remedy.
He who affirms, not he who denies, must bear the burden of proof.
Fiction yields to truth; where there is truth, fiction of law does not exist.
Ignorance of the law excuses no one; for all are presumed to know those things to which all consent.
How it all started
When the United States government stepped outside the bounds [Clearfield Doctrine], it stepped outside its sovereignty and into the realm of a private man where they have no more standing or status than you or I. This prompted five Americans to utilize a lawful and long-standing custom of man when there is conflict between entities. Four men and one woman posed the following to the United States of America federal government:
“We’ll accept your offer that you’re government but now you need to prove to us these specific things you’re doing. In these specific instances, interactions, processes and procedures prove to us that those are explicitly permitted by the Contract.”
The following audio explains how the entire lawful, legal process was structured step by step. The Arbitration Award below proves its authenticity.
Arnie Rosner, who since transitioned out of this realm, worked tirelessly to inform people so they could free themselves. “Thank you Arnie, and may your Spirit rest in peace and glory.”
Audio link https://www.mediafire.com/file/xdw41gxec7k9n2j/Arnie+interviews+Thomas+1_20_19+24+32+kbps.mp3/file
Gene Stalnaker, one of five Americans in this case also transitioned. “Thank you Gene, and may your Spirit also rest in peace and glory.”
This Arbitration case was brought on behalf of ‘all’ Americans
When the government failed to respond with proof of their claim, terms of the private Arbitration process were set forth. There is an international treaty for Arbitration that’s protected. Arbitration was one of the most ancient customs of man in dealing with disputes between two people.
The general remedy that would make people whole, based upon breaches of the Contract, would simply be to grant immunity from their fictional construct.
[To be made ‘whole’ means it never happened.]
Momentous Award
On August 19th of 2019 the following Award certification was granted.
This type of Arbitration Award appears to be unprecedented in its scope, magnitude and effect. It can potentially affect every U.S. citizen as well as profoundly affect the future of the American Republic. The far-reaching ramifications associated with this momentous award will greatly impact every patriot who decides to opt in to this unique opportunity as a beneficiary.
The back story to this whole process is quite fascinating and the history is well worth comprehending. Continue at https://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=129005
Treaty of Peace 2020 Information & Resources
Active link.
Arbitration Award status
As few as 3,200 Americans opted in as beneficiaries. Without hundreds of thousands or more Americans opting in, contacting their representatives and senators to get the Bill on the floor, and willing to show up to get the bill passed by Congress, the Arbitration Award remains open to all Americans and under-utilized.
Do it for the children
In AD 1302, Pope Boniface VIII through Papal Bull Unam Sanctum, claimed ownership and authority over planet Earth, all real man living and dead souls, and all life forms on behalf of The Holy See as follows:
“Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.” https://www.papalencyclicals.net/bon08/b8unam.htm
Claims made by the Holy See in 1302 were never rebutted. Until each real man living soul lawfully and legally detaches from fictions of law they remain a creature under control of the Holy See.
Blackstone’s Commentaries
There are lawful, legal options for real man living souls to detach from fictions of law if you live in a country under British law form.
NOTE: The power and jurisdiction of parliament, says Sir Edward Coke, is so transcendent and absolute, that it cannot be confined, either for causes or persons, within any bounds.
Numbers count
Until a critical mass of people open their minds to the power of focus, cooperation and meaningful action [rebut tyranny], this tract of man continues to spiral down the drain. TY!
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog
It's good to know you posted this. I am sure Arnie would be thankful.
This is an area where I keep learning and have not learned enough.