Excess mortality | 2021
Official all-cause mortality statistics released to the public are often delayed 6-12 months after year end and can be subject to change. If you want to identify a spike in deaths within a population, how would you get an early warning signal?
Boots-on-the-ground organisations notice up ticks and spikes in sales or staffing numbers. When this happens in industries dealing with deaths, alarm bells should be going off, especially when these deaths are in healthy working age groups, children and near births, and where COVID-19 has not been attributed to their death!
Some whistleblowers have been speaking about anomalies in their work space since mid 2021, but when in late 2021 data came out from an insurance company that they had experienced a 40% increase in life insurance payouts in the working age group in 2021, equivalent to 4 times a 200 year catastrophic event, that got Wall Street’s attention.
The unprecedented death numbers were not COVID-19, but happened to coincide with timing of the roll-out of the experimental, brand new technology, emergency use COVID-19 vaccines. The catastrophic effect of the draconian “mitigation” rules imposed on the healthy population of the world had been in place for a year, it may be a contributing factor, but doesn’t necessarily explain the timing. And if that was the explanation, then the “cure” is excessively worse than the burden of the disease.
Trusted News Initiative [oxymoron]
Orwellian double speak is the norm b/c news outlets have been transformed into the opposite of their intended purpose. An example is the globally adopted ‘Trusted News Initiative’ which allows mis-information to flow in order to justify government policy and the judiciary determining the fate of man.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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