7 horsemen of the apocalypse masquerading as altruistic government
Solution to being mind controlled, brainwashed, propagandized and psychologically manipulated.
I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.
Not verbatim.
10 planned attacks on newborns
By Jason Christoff
June 12.24
If you want to find evil look where the children are because that's where you’ll find evil lurking, plotting, licking its chops and watching for the perfect time to devour innocent and defenseless children. I step between evil and the children for a living. I invite you to join me as soon as possible in this mission.
Evil spares no one not even their foot soldiers
My articles will become more aggressive and sharper b/c there's little time remaining before we're all put to the blade. Evil spares no one, not even her loyal foot soldiers. That message is for anyone sucking on the tit of evil for a living. Your time is coming, as evil is evil to its very energetic charge, which means it hates all life, everywhere, no exceptions. If you're alive, evil won't stop until your soul is pushed back into the ether, period, end of story. To believe that evil won't consume you is short sighted.
7 Horsemen of the apocalypse
Our entire species has been mind controlled and poisoned to the point where most of society is completely inverted and having passionate love affairs with evil because evil has taken control of the financial systems and hands out generous pay cheques only to people willing to kill, murder and extinguish life on command.
Above link: Jason Christoff talks about mind control 07:00 mins to 1 hour 35 mins
Evil now lives openly inside
Food production systems
and Big tech
The law of sowing and reaping
All actions have consequences in every energy system ever studied and researched. Poisoning, hurting or terrorizing children is the ultimate crime. In jail, prisoners ‘brutalize’ fellow convicts who hurt children. Punishment for hurting children is as firm a law in our Universe as the law of gravity … the law of evil always being after the youngest souls. The law doesn't care if you were just cashing your pay cheque to live a cozy life here in the devil's realm. If you hurt children for a living or are part of a system that's involved with hurting children, everyone reaps what they sow.
10 attacks on children
The 10 attacks on children are fully coordinated inside the death cult systems parading as altruistic institutions due to a generous sprinkling of mind control, brainwashing and behavior modification. If you really want to do Source/God's work step between children and the evil hunting them, whenever possible.
1. Folic acid
2. Ultrasound
3. Toxic aluminum in all baby formulas
4. Circumcision
5. Vaccines
6. Vitamin K shot, heel pick, anti-biotics into the eyes of a newborn
7. C sections, epidurals during or after childbirth
8. Male fetuses aborted purposely in the womb
9. Anti-life cellular radiation from parent's cell phone, wi-fi router, smart watch, smart TV, baby monitors, etc.
10. Top 10 attacks on the female.
Details of each of the 10 attacks in Jason’s link below.
The Medes lived in an ancient country of northwest Iran called Media
Above link: Jason talks about ancient black magic mind control in modern time. 41:39 mins
At 11:38 mins
Solution: step outside the herd
Until you understand your own operating system and how you are being mind controlled, brainwashed, propagandized and psychologically manipulated, the cornerstones of why people fail to reach their full potential, how can you ever break free to self realize and self empower?
At 12:20 mins
Your operating system
At 14:18 mins Repetitive content forces your behaviour.
Video link https://odysee.com/@TheGreaterReset:4/Jason-Christoff-tgr5:f
It's 5 minutes to midnight
It's time to get moving on awakening to what’s happening. Move it, this isn't a game. This is real life. They've been poisoning all of us since we flew out of the womb and even before that. Start removing the poisons from your life, awaken from your sleep and regain your power.
https://courses.jchristoff.com/blog/10-purposeful-and-planned-attacks-on-your-newborn-that-you-need-to-avoid END
End inhibition of your prefrontal cortex
Evil is sustained through freewill choices. What does every human have in common right now? Rebutting evil to ‘save ourselves’. How? Through expanded awareness, developing our mind/heart connection, cooperation, supporting rather than judging others, defending the children and …
White magic
Turn down negative content and turn up positive content by upregulating repetitive content in the direction of your dreams. TY!
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog