Reflecting back on life, I can positively say that Mark Passio is right over the target. The only times I have made measurable progress has been during the times I have left my comfort zone and challenged my beliefs and fears, questioned my actions and challenged others to do likewise. Affluence as well as pathological suppression breeds stagnancy and apathy, imparting the feeling we can’t, or don’t want to awaken. We typically get an angry reaction we get when we challenge other sleepers . Fear underlies absolutely all of it, but progress is directly proportional to our defiance of fear, which for most requires assuming the stance of a warrior in battle. I believe this is why we often interpret committed freedom fighters as ‘angry’, ‘challenging’ and ‘confrontational’. I am OK with it, because I recognize the dynamics as lacking personal context, and sometimes need a shove to hop out of my warm little nest. No war has been fought without the glue of a battlecry. Excellent post, Doreen !

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Grateful for your sharing. TY! Transformation of caterpillar into butterfly is called perturbation, which is what this tract of man is presently going through. How each of us responds scripts what follows. The more love and support experienced during perturbation the deeper the healing and greater the benefits, which is why predators pit man against man, to keep man playing small and treading the wheel of pain and suffering by choice.

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I watched his speech, and I also watched Catherine Austin Fitts speak at The Greater Reset. Both attended online. I stopped Mark's speech halfway. Mark appeared angry and made me feel like crap, and that's not the way to motivate people nor to win this. After 30 minutes of Catherine Austin Fitts, I was filled with hope again and came up with new ideas and plans. I highly recommend listening to Catherine. https://tube.solari.com/videos/the-greater-reset-5-manifestation-part-2-day-3-agorism-and-parallel-networks/

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Will the Canada BANK ACT Sun Set Sections impact building wealth? https://laws.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/B-1.01/FullText.html

Sunset provision

• 21 (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (4), banks shall not carry on business, and authorized foreign banks shall not carry on business in Canada, after June 30, 2025.

• Marginal note:Extension

(2) The Governor in Council may, by order, extend by up to six months the time during which banks may continue to carry on business and authorized foreign banks may continue to carry on business in Canada. No more than one order may be made under this subsection.

• Marginal note:Order not a regulation

(3) The order is not a regulation for the purposes of the Statutory Instruments Act. However, it shall be published in Part II of the Canada Gazette.

• Marginal note:Exception — dissolution

(4) If Parliament dissolves on the day set out in subsection (1) or on any day within the six-month period before that day or on any day within an extension ordered under subsection (2), banks may continue to carry on business, and authorized foreign banks may continue to carry on business in Canada, until the end of the 180th day after the first day of the first session of the next Parliament.

Sunset provision

• 670 (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (4), bank holding companies shall not carry on business after June 30, 2025.

• Marginal note:Extension

(2) The Governor in Council may, by order, extend by up to six months the time during which bank holding companies may continue to carry on business. No more than one order may be made under this subsection.

• Marginal note:Order not a regulation

(3) The order is not a regulation for the purposes of the Statutory Instruments Act. However, it shall be published in Part II of the Canada Gazette.

• Marginal note:Exception — dissolution

(4) If Parliament dissolves on the day set out in subsection (1) or on any day within the six-month period before that day or on any day within an extension ordered under subsection (2), bank holding companies may continue to carry on business until the end of the 180th day after the first day of the first session of the next Parliament.

Jan 25.24, I asked a banking institution and await their response.

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I would very much like to read the response when you receive it.

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Yes, I will post responses here and also outline in a Blog.

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I think you will find the answer to your question here. Top short (2:42 min.) video. https://home.solari.com/financial-transaction-freedom-ftf/

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Hello Renate

After 40 years on the path to self-realization, week long intensives of experiential learning where I faced my greatest fears to know the power of our inner net, and decades of supporting freedom movement groups, I fully concur with Mark Passio.

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