A world run on sunshine and breezes, and influenced by digital humans?
Will you acknowledge reality to upgrade it?
I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.
2030 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) mask the PLAN to gradually, subtly and deceptively reduce the global population to an alleged sustainable 500 million.
The PLAN’s pseudo eco measures
Net-zero decarbonisation, banning livestock products (meat, milk, leather) planned long ago 2005 https://www.fao.org/3/a0701e/a0701e.pdf replaced by synthetics and allergy risk insects https://food.r-biopharm.com/news/edible-insects-delicacy-or-allergy-risk/ banning non-GMO https://www.wholefoodsmagazine.com/articles/3151-gmo-foods-will-soon-be-mislabeled-as-biofortified non-sterilized agriculture, banning fuels (even eco gas or unsustainable bio fuels because of biodiversity and food safety), banning combustion vehicles and industries replaced by carcinogenic electric vehicles where you ride on a 400V transmission line, plus trillions of solar panels responsible for dirty electricity https://www.stetzerelectric.com/milham-solar-puts-dirty-electricity-on-electrical-wiring and eco unfriendly wind farms https://principia-scientific.com/deforesting-the-amazon-for-wind-energy-in-the-global-north/
Where is the ban on stratospheric aerosol injections?
SAI is also referred to as geoengineering, chemtrails, weather modification, weather manipulation, weather wars, climate engineering, ship’s tracks.
Where, in the climate crisis research, is the impact of planes discharging chemicals and ship’s tracks world-wide 24/7 factored into the climate narrative? 2016
Proof: Weather modification is real
All you have to do is look up at the sky while they’re spraying.
By Amandha Dawn Vollmer
Dec 2023
Why are they creating weather warfare? Many reasons. For one, with the lie of climate change, they usher in the unscientific notion of carbon as “bad” and therefore humans as “dangerous” and in need of tighter control (when carbon is actually good for plant life and life in general). Secondly, assigning each person and company a carbon footprint, carbon credits, carbon tax, we will be tracked for everything we do, buy, eat, and travel. Ultimately, they want to reduce carbon, which is a totally false theory, because WE are carbon. So, it’s New World Order language for “we want to reduce YOU.”
The PLAN’s digital attributes of earthly existence
Digital technology, digital identification, digital information, digital currency, digital communication, digital humans.
Meet Digital Human Fred
Aug 23, 2021
He is a pixel-perfect hyper-real copy of his real-life human counterpart. We captured him in his entirety, including his motion, voice, and fine details down to single pores.
The Digital Human is the direct link between humans and machines. As a digital assistant, moderator, or virtual companion, the Digital Human can do almost anything you can imagine. 01:32 mins
Meet digital avatar Aliza Rexx
Sept 28, 2020
The advent of digital humans or AI avatars, represents a landmark shift in how we interact with technology. These remarkably lifelike entities use a combination of machine learning, natural language processing, and graphical innovation to converse, assist, and even empathize with us.
Their stories are fake. Their images are fake. However, their impact is real.
Text-based chatbots and menu-driven interfaces lack the warmth, empathy, and understanding human interaction offers. Digital humans and AI avatars aim to bridge this gap.
First Interview hosted by Aliza Rexx [AI avatar] with Music Artist MAAD.
Top 12 Virtual Influencers for 2024
In 2022, Lu do Magalu was the most followed virtual influencer. Currently, she is also the virtual human with the most visibility in the world.
She boasts more than 14.6 million followers on Facebook, 6 million followers on Instagram, more than 2.6 million YouTube subscribers and over 1.3 million followers on Twitter and TikTok respectively. Her fame and reach is mostly limited to Brazil from where she originates. https://influencermarketinghub.com/virtual-influencers/
Human machine interactions
Feb 12, 2020
“Faces are brilliant communicators of emotion, and emotion is powerful. I want to give the world a better face by putting a face on technology. But we have to be aware that faces can be very powerful, influential, emotional and persuasive.” Mike Seymour
Biometric updates and upcoming events
The future of continuous authentication of everyone, everywhere, everywhen. https://www.biometricupdate.com/biometrics-blogs
Where does artificial intelligence leave human intelligence?
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog