AI will soon make elections obsolete [WEF 2024]
Who needs voters when predictive technology can install world leaders?
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Klaus Schwab speaking at WEF 2024 in Davos
Schwab made chilling comments during a WEF interview with Google co-founder Sergey Brin, posted to X by Ezra Levant of Rebel News.
“The technology now, digital technologies, mainly have an analytical power. Now we go into a predictive power and we have seen the first examples and your company very much involved into it. But then the next step could be to go into a prescriptive mode, which means you do not even have to have elections anymore b/c you can already predict what, predict, and afterwards say why do we need elections b/c we know what the result will be.” Klaus Schwab
Jan 16.24 Source with thanks
A prescriptive approach to something involves telling people what they should do, rather than simply giving suggestions or describing what is done.
King Charles III launched the Great Reset
June 03, 2023, through The Prince of Wales’s Sustainable Markets Initiative and the World Economic Forum, His Royal Highness launched a new global initiative, The Great Reset.’s-sustainable-markets-initiative-launches-thegreatreset
The King works for the Vatican
The Treaty of Paris (1783) was concluded between the King of Great Britain and the United States of America. The King, operating as Arch Treasurer and Prince elector of the Holy Roman Empire, means the King works for the Vatican.
Oath of Allegiance Act Canada
In Canada, all public office holders must take an Oath of Allegiance to the King in addition to other Oaths they take. In other words, voters have consented all along to the great reset now upon us.
The ruling class never cared what side you chose (right/left, Democrat/Republican, Liberal/Conservative) they only care that you pick a side.
Canadian citizen’s only 2 rights
Obsolete elections repeal the only 2 rights Canadians citizens currently have:
The right to vote.
The right to become a candidate in elections.
Citizen vs. Sovereign?
A CITIZEN is subject to duties under government, which means they are not free.
A SOVEREIGN is subject only to ‘do no harm’.
The ‘one’ big political party: IDU
Installed politicians who speak against covid-19 measures were likely trained to seduce people into voting to keep their handler’s energy harvest plentiful.
How the voting system is used to harness your energy
By PL Chang
March 2016
Link disabled
The word battery can be used to describe the process of harnessing man’s energy.
Phonetically, the word vote sounds like volt. Where do voters go to vote/volt, a voting booth or polling/pole-ing station. The word poll sounds like pole defined as “either of two regions or parts of an electric battery, magnet, or the like, exhibiting electrical or magnetic polarity”. In other words, the electric battery pole of positive (+)/negative (-). Hence, when you go to vote, you go to the polls/poles to place your vote/volt on the candidate you consent to have put in charge.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog