Alberta school teachers break silence on effects they’re seeing after the jab
Tipping point approaching.
Update: See details for Dr. Makis interview below.
2nd Grade student dies suddenly
An epidemic of sudden death by “unknown cause” is taking effect in Canada. It has overtaken dementia and heart disease to become Alberta’s top killer. After doctors had to comply or else, to strict vaccine mandates 93 Canadian physicians have now succumbed to sudden death.
It’s not just doctors who are dying
Canadian doctor William Makis reported heavy-hearted news while speaking to Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson.
Dr. Makis disclosed that a 2nd Grade student and 30 year old teacher both died suddenly.
It’s not just doctors who are dying suddenly or unexpectedly. Of course, doctors are the most vaccinated young people. Most of them have had four shots, even five shots. They have to be fully vaccinated to be able to work. But it’s other professions that are seeing sudden deaths as well. We’re seeing it in nurses. We’re seeing it in paramedics, police, firefighters — but now we’re even seeing it in teachers.
I’ve recently been contacted by an Alberta teacher who wishes to remain anonymous, but this individual told me that they’ve just lost a grade 2 student in their school. They’ve just lost suddenly — sudden death. They’ve also lost a teacher in their 30s — also sudden death, sudden cardiac death. And they are panicking.
For them, this is unprecedented. And they’ve reached out to me, and they said they’ve been silent. They’ve been silent up to now, but they’re seeing sudden deaths. They’re seeing injuries, kids are getting immune reactions — asthma. They’re having all kinds of reactions. Kids can’t concentrate in class after the vaccination. So this is really, really worrying. And teachers are now starting to reach out to me and tell me what they’re seeing in the classrooms.
We’re seeing sudden death at rates we’ve never before — we’re also seeing these strange, white clots.
Spike protein detox guide
Tune in
Vaccine Choice Canada Zoom Guest: Dr. William Makis. Wed. Nov. 30 at 8:30 ET.
Please see below for more information.
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Plan ahead
Perhaps it is time to think about what you may need when masses of people awaken to betrayal and depopulation. A few days off the streets may be the safest.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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