Alert! New ‘Redesigned GMOs’ threaten the future of all ‘GMO Free’ produce and terrains
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Tinkering with the genetics of life
Julian Rose
21st Century Wire
July 23.23
Within the fortified corridors of politico-industrial power in Washington and in the hallowed bastion of the European Commission in Brussels, the same dark plans are being pushed forward: to alter the genetic code of life so as to make both man and nature patentable, controllable and servile to the cause of the techno-industrial god of insentient progress.
The latest manifestation of this process emerged within the food and farming sector and strongly threatens the future of all ‘GMO Free’ produce and terrains. It goes under the deliberately innocuous heading ‘New Genomic Techniques’ (NGT).
This novel deception is called New Genomic Techniques (NGT)
US agribusiness industry set the agricultural genetic engineering agenda more than two decades ago, when a judge in a New York court room pronounced GMO and conventionally grown food ‘indistinguishable’. A judgement that went against the essential scientific evidence and played into the gleeful hands of the biotech industry. The precise term used was ‘substantial equivalence’.
This allowed the marketing of US GMO foods to go ahead with no labelling to warn consumers of its composition or provenance, thus denying them the right to choose.
The new deception is called New Genomic Techniques (NGT) and its right to operate is now starting its passage through the legislative assessment process at the European Commission.
WARNING: there is nothing about NGT’s that carries any benefit for the environment or food quality. Quite the opposite, it is a further tinkering with the genetics of life, whose purpose is solely to move living organisms out of traditional cross-breeding practices and into patented laboratory created industrial designer-foods. Foods able to be manipulated to ultimately replace the need for existing soil/field based agricultural traditions practised by millions of farmers throughout the world.
Continued at
EU proposal
On plants obtained by certain new genomic techniques and their food and feed, and amending Regulation (EU) 2017/625.
International Conference on GMO analysis and New Genomic Techniques
March 2023
Detection of conventional GMOs Status and Challenges. Key challenges for detecting NGT products not necessarily insurmountable. Continued at
NGT in a nutshell
Targeted mutagenesis and cisgenesis are considered new genomic techniques (NGTs) and subject matter of the Commission legislative proposal on NGTs. These techniques allow researchers to target precise and predictable regions of the genome whilst avoiding random mutations (targeted mutagenesis). They also allow the insertion of genetic material from a sexually compatible (crossable) organism (cisgenesis). Continued at
NGT and European Green Deal
As of Aug 20.23
September 2022, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced the Commission intention to present a legislative proposal on plants produced by certain 'new genomic techniques' (NGTs) referring to processes such as CRISPR/Cas used to modify the genetic make-up of plants even more profoundly and rapidly than is possible with conventional breeding.
The Commission proposal is structured around two categories of plants aiming to distinguish varieties "considered equivalent to conventional plants" – 'Category 1 NGT plants' – from all other plants obtained through NGTs – 'Category 2 NGT plants'. The Commission proposal considers an NGT plant equivalent to conventional plants "when it differs from the parent plant by no more than 20 genetic modifications". For their part, 'Category 2 NGT plants' are defined by default: they include all other varieties obtained through NGTs.
The deliberate release and placing on the market of NGT plants would be subject to one of two procedures: notification (for 'Category 1 NGT plants') to establish equivalence with conventional products and authorisation (for 'Category 2 NGT plants').
'Category 1 NGT plants' are however treated as GMOs for the purposes of organic production. For ‘Category 2 NGT plants’ EU countries are required to adopt coexistence measures to avoid the unintended presence of such NGT plants in other products. The possibility for EU countries to restrict or prohibit cultivation of GMOs under Directive 2001/18 would not apply to such NGT plants.
Regarding the traceability of plants obtained by NGTs, the Commission opted for a hybrid solution. For ‘Category 1 NGT plants’, the mandatory labelling that applies to GMOs is abandoned. The Commission proposes to maintain mandatory labelling for ‘Category 2 NGT plants’ and leaves the possibility of specifying the characteristics brought by the genetic modification by adding a factual statement. To ensure transparency and freedom of choice for farmers, all NGT plants will be listed in a public database. In addition, their seeds and other plant reproductive material will be labelled, and information on NGT plant reproductive material will be listed in the common EU catalogues of plant varieties. Regulatory incentives would be offered to applicants for ‘Category 2 NGT plants’ containing traits with the potential to contribute to a sustainable agri-food system, provided they do not contain herbicide-tolerant traits.
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Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog
There's a simple solution to this: stop buying anything from supermarkets and go direct to the farmer that grows the stuff.
Ok, you'll have to buy some exotics third party (tropical fruit, olive oil etc), but enormous numbers of fresh meat, dairy, fruit and vegetables can be sourced locally, direct.
If you want to know what's in your food, you need to go direct to small farmers committed to growing/nurturing/rearing healthy, natural products.