ALERT! UN Pact for the Future accepted w/out global consensus
UN Pact covers 'peace and security'.
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Freewill Earth zone
Planetary rulers must inform man of their plans in advance b/c everyone has freewill to rebut harm or remain silent, which is implied consent. There are no rules about ‘how’ everyone is informed, which could be via entertainment, the bible re-written by their dark ancestors, false flag events, prophecy, etc.
Summit of the Future Outcome Document
Sept 22-23.24
Fall Equinox
World leaders adopt a Pact for the Future that includes a Global Digital Compact and a Declaration on Future Generations. The Pact covers a broad range of themes including:
peace and security,
sustainable development,
climate change,
digital cooperation,
human rights,
youth and future generations, and
the transformation of global governance.
1 Thessalonians 5:3, ESV:
While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.
Celeste Solum on the UN Vote to Take over the World
In under five minutes this decision was made, even though the real decision was made on April 8th, 2024 the day of the solar eclipse. 12:24 mins
No cakewalk ahead
Evil will accelerate, as written in the bible and spoken about in various religions and cultures … everyone will feel the impact.
Prepare now
If there are important things in your life that require attention or completion it is wise to tend to them soonest possible.
Stock up on food, water, medical and emergency supplies, have cash on hand, heal wounded relationships, be compassion, be authentic, be present, be kind, be in gratitude and appreciation for all things big and small.
The war between Creator/Source and AI
The ruler’s ultimate goal is to remove all cause, core, memory and record of the One True Creator/God/Spirit/Other Name from the consciousness of man and replace it with artificial/alien intelligence.
3% to win this war
May I suggest everyone ask [often] your unique spirit/soul spark of the One True Creator for guidance b/c the call compels a response.
From what I’ve learned, to win this war and restore peace and harmony with one another and evolve Consciousness require 3% of this tact of man to become the highest vision and version of our spirit/soul in form, which includes rebutting tyrants and their tyrannical agendas. TY!
Alert #2 UN Pact for the Future/2045 Initiative
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog