'Alleged' assassination of Donald J. Trump
Ruling entities do not miss their mark; let's take a look closer.
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Alleged assassination of Donald Trump
The assassination attempt on former president left at least one bystander dead, according to officials. The shooter, who officials said apparently fired multiple rounds from outside the venue's security perimeter, is also dead.
My response to the above
Ruling entities, empowered through man’s freewill consent, seldom miss their target. May you soon realize it’s all theater via brainwashing, mind control, psychological manipulation and propaganda that make consenters complicit in a world coup attempting to replace all cause, core, memory and record of the one true Creator with a satanic hybrid machine/man interface toward their immortality and enslavement of man.
Today this arrived
By Jason Christoff
I do understand that due to the political divide and conquer mind control inside the US, there could be thousands of people quite capable of such an assassination attempt. Such a shooting wouldn't have to be planned by the deep state whatsoever. Saying that, given my research, the deep state is indeed operating and controlling both candidates for the US Presidency.
I will place a video below to make sure people are aware of how the banking system (and its operation by ancient ruling families) can indeed control any group it wishes. The video clip below clearly shows how the banking system took over NY City in 1974.
This sort of bank takeover of an entire city has been applied currently to the car sector (for electrical vehicles), to the education system (to castrate and sterilize our children) and to entire countries etc. (to euthanize tens of millions with a fake COVID vaccine, with fatal hospital protocols and with genocidal plans to target seniors directly). The same banking system takeover has obviously happened long ago inside the US political system.
Both Biden and Trump were involved in euthanasia and permanent injury of millions of Americans via the fake COVID vaccine psy-op. This fact wasn't mentioned in any media release or even within the big US debate between Biden and Trump. This means mind control of the US public is extremely deep, given that the only 2 people to pick from for President are people who are directly responsible for the deaths or permanent injuries of millions of American citizens.
In the end, no one deserves to be shot at or assassinated.....as that bypasses the right to be charged and tried inside a moral and ethical legal system. Continued at https://www.jchristoff.com/blog/donal-trump-assassination-attempt
HyperNormalisation by Adam Curtis
This film is the epic story of how we got to this strange place. It explains not only why these chaotic events are happening - but also why we, and our politicians, cannot understand them.
It shows what has happened is that all of us in the West - not just the politicians and journalists and experts, but we ourselves - have retreated into a simplified, and often completely fake version of the world. But because it is all around us we accept it as normal. But there is another world outside. Forces that politicians tried to forget and bury forty years ago - that then festered and mutated - but which are now turning on us with a vengeful fury. Trailer 03:09 mins
Piercing though the wall of our fake world
05:15 mins New York City 1975. What happened that day in New York marked a radical shift in power. The banks insisted that in order to protect their loans they should be allowed to take control of the city. The city appealed to the President, he refused to help, so a new committee was set up to manage the city's finances. Out of nine members, eight of them were bankers. It was the start of an extraordinary experiment where the financial institutions took power away from the politicians and started to run society themselves.
Elon Musk Begins to Spend Vast Fortune to Elect Donald Trump President
July 13.24
(Bloomberg) — Billionaire Elon Musk has donated to a super political action committee working to elect Donald Trump to the White House, a major gambit by the world’s richest person to make his imprint on the US political landscape. — FSMN (@faststocknewss) July 12, 2024
A closer look at Trump’s supporter Elon Musk
Elon Musk wears 'satanic' costume worth $7,500 at Heidi Klum's Halloween party
What do you perceive signs, symbols and behaviours to be other than core messages for everyone to take into consideration before making their decisions?
Baphomet, the androgynous “Goat of Mendes,” aka Lucifer, portrayed as a man with woman’s breasts and a goat’s head by occultist Eliphas Levi in 1854, representing the occult “Baptism of Knowledge” leading to the final merging of all things into one under Satan.
What does Elon Musk’s costume called the “Devil’s Champion - Leather Armor Set” with Baphomet in the center suggest to you?
Elon Musk’s military surveillance state
Mar 16, 2024
The network is being built by SpaceX's Starshield business unit under a $1.8 billion contract signed in 2021 with the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), an intelligence agency that manages spy satellites, the sources said.
"The National Reconnaissance Office is developing the most capable, diverse, and resilient space-based intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance system the world has ever seen," a spokesperson said.
Starshield's first prototype satellite launched in 2020 was part of a separate, roughly $200 million contract, that helped position SpaceX for the subsequent $1.8 billion award, one of the sources said.
Who is Elon Musk
18:20 mins Dell Bigtree: There is iqt, a CIA funded group working with Musk. He got funding from the government that then passes laws you have to get an electric car in order to live in this society. Everything Musk does appears to be intertwined with CIA and government. He bought a communications company with Twitter he’s turning into X. He’ll have more satellites running the internet of things interconnected with every camera and tracking system following us.
#16 link below: Joshua Haldeman was a leader of Technocracy Inc. in Canada 1936 to 1941. He eventually became disillusioned with the organization and country so he packed up his young family to start life anew in South Africa. In June 1971, Haldeman’s daughter Maeve gave birth to his first grandson. His name is Elon Musk.”
Dell B: Coincidence? His grandfather had a dream about a technocratic world where science runs the world. His grandson Elon, is somehow being given gigantic funding projects by our government, by the CIA, all of which are advancing this technical world giving him more and more power. Continue at https://www.ourgreaterdestiny.ca/p/elon-musks-coincidental-birth-businesses
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog
Doreen, I am so busy these days I just don't get much time to read . But I have to say, every time I check out your sub stack page I am never disappointed. You always post very interesting stories.