Ancient death cults and death centric patterns
All acts of mass genocide have been by governments against their own people.
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Real man living souls are born with freewill
Feb 07.24
By Jason Christoff, end self-sabotage coach and mind control researcher.
Vaccines have been injected into real man living souls for millennia. There is an ancient death cult that knows administering poison in incremental doses delays people from catching on. Edward Jenner look him up.
Jason has 60 documentaries proving no vaccine ever did anything other than maim and kill. For millennia, the death cult has been gradually increasing poison content in vaccines and now the viper is striking.
Movies like, I Am Legend, World War Z, Contagion, Outbreak are part of a mind control campaign over many generations to trick humans into believing health can be injected into them with poisons. This death cult knows how to bypass all rational and logical thinking in real man living souls through fear, which shuts down critical thinking.
Vaccines that increase immunity and reduce disease are lies
This ancient death centric pattern erodes resistance over time by getting people used to death and cancer from mental slavery and toxins so they accept early death and being poisoned.
06:00 mins As a young child in a psychopathic Cristian Brothers’ school where they raped and beat children, Jason realized in history class the lies they were teaching about war. He learned about gentlemen’s wars, the British in red, always red and blue for a purpose, French in blue, gathering men to put massive holes in each other. At an early age, Jason realized war is about reducing the number of strong men to minimize resistance to strong governance.
Genocide in Gaza, Russia vs Ukraine, the USA attacking Iran and other countries in the Middle East are all related to this death cult.
11:00 mins This death cult went from country to country to set up shop. When they eventually brought out their child sacrifice and other insane beliefs, good/moral people asked them to leave. Based on research into this ancient cult, Jason believes this same death cult from the Middle East is in charge right now and appears to have vowed revenge after being kicked out of 140 countries multiple times. They were also removed from where they used to live over 1000 times b/c of their clinically insane belief systems.
Connect the dots as to where this group is today and who’s pulling the strings. This ancient death cult does not represent the population of any country, especially the one country where a lot of nonsense is originating now. It’s the same as the government in your country. You do not have anything to do with your government. Your government does not consult with you, they have their own agenda, they see you as the enemy, steal your money, would rather you dead so they don’t have to maintain the social contract with you that costs them money. This death cult represents government staffers in most countries today. The center of the spider is definitely inside the government of this group.
When it comes to war, this death cult controls both sides. Russia was taken over by UK Royals in 1918. The UK Royals control the Ukraine. These wars are all FAKE, they aim to wipe out ethic groups while making it look legitimate. 90% of the time, war is about removing strong men in both countries so the people in power, who appear to be different governments but are not, have ease of rule where there are less strong men.
Countries around the world are fake. They do everything against the people. Biden is destroying Americans. Trudeau is destroying Canadians. Macron is destroying the French b/c it’s easier to destroy from within than if the Chinese tried to destroy a country. Psychological research shows the average person through their school mind control and brain washing will NOT react when domestic government starts to euthanize their people. All acts of mass genocide have been by governments against their own people.
1917 revolution: Bolsheviks were connected to this ancient death cult. They organized the death of 60 million Russians. When you maximize death, this group says they have to have their own domestic government do the killing b/c it keeps people sedated, they are so confused they cannot reconcile their school programming with what is happening in their own time.
Now they are going after our food!
17:55 mins They’ve got the jabs killing people, the wars are killing people and ramping up, now they are reducing the food supply, crashing loads of potash and other fertilizers, purposely derailing trains, blowing up and burning down food processing plants, driving planes into food processing plants, and now they want to inject m-RNA into all the meat.
m-RNA has nothing to do with genetics it is straight poison
They are polluting the food so we have nothing to eat. They want you eating bugs and ground up whole crickets. The shell of a cricket contains chitin a calcium compound, the same shell is on cockroaches and lobsters. Lobster shells are not edible. Grinding cricket shells into a powder or flour when eaten destroys your intestinal tract and is good at conducting wi-fi; weaponizing wi-fi to interact with what’s in the jabs, transforming you into a receiving/transmitting radio tower b/c chitin in the cricket shell is a great conductor of electromagnetic frequency.
What about blocking the sun?
Everything in the world needs sun to survive yet they block the sun with chemtrails. This death cult honor death, they honor a death deity.
Energy cannot be created nor destroyed.
Why you die, your energy is ejected into the ether, the unseen realm. This death cult perceives death as an offering to charge the ether with life force energy for them to harvest in the future. They believe in deities outside the realm of visible light that consume as fuel or food ejected energy of real man living souls. As insane at it may appear to you, this is what they believe, and we have no way of knowing if it is true or not however this may explain mass depopulation now and at previous times.
Demons in modern times and is CO2 really the problem?
23:40 mins Demons in ancient scripture, ancient lore, are known to be lower IQ and unable to create. Only real man living souls can create b/c they are made in the image and likeness of the Highest Authority, the Creator of All That Is, Was and Ever Shall Be referred to by physicists as fundamental electro magnetic quantum frequency and by sages as God.
Which H.O.M.E. do you choose?
More of what’s really going on.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog
As in Genesis 34. Freemasonry a death cult where every candidate is ceremonially murdered then raised from the dead, necromancy. 33 degrees in Masonry, Genesis 33 contains the link to the Masonic god, El-EL-O-Eh-Israel, God-God-Of-All-Israel. Now you know.
Wow, my comments are being deleted on a regular basis, including twice here. Im just wasting my time. I was deleted on Lena Petrova's site 2 days ago. I dont think its the site deleting me, but someone clearly is. Like your blog though, keep up the good work.