I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.
Delegated authority
If the Christ delegated authority to apostle Peter, authority cannot be delegated, not to a Bishop of Rome, a Pope or any other embodiment on Earth.
A delegated power cannot be delegated.
He who affirms, not he who denies, must bear the burden of proof.
No man can forfeit the right of another.
No one can do by another what he cannot do by himself.
The laws of nature are perfect and immutable; but the condition of human law tends always to infinity, and there is nothing in it that can continue perpetually.
Custom and agreement overrule law.
He who does not defend himself when present, is considered as submitting.
Impunity invites to greater crimes.
Fiction yields to truth; where there is truth, fiction of law does not exist.
The law works harm to no one, and does no one an injury.
Ignorance of the law excuses no one; for all are presumed to know those things to which all consent.
There is no loss without a remedy.
That which is not otherwise lawful, necessity makes lawful, and necessity makes a privilege, which supersedes law.
One may do with his own as he pleases, if he does not invade the rights of others.
Natural right is that which has the same power among all men.
Things manifest need no proof.
All men are either freemen or slaves.
A maxim is so called because its dignity is chiefest, and its authority the most certain, and because it is universally approved by all.
Papal Bull or Declaration of Occupation?
In AD 1302, Pope Boniface VIII through Papal Bull Unam Sanctum claimed ownership and authority over planet Earth, all real man living and dead souls, and all life forms on behalf of The Holy See as follows:
“Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.” https://www.papalencyclicals.net/bon08/b8unam.htm
Animal Farm
To put Papal Bull Unam Sanctum into perspective imagine Earth is a farm. The Pope, as the farmer, hires farm hands and grants them immunity through fictions of law. On the farm, real man living souls are creatures or farm animals under control of the farmer and his farm hands who govern all land, water, air space, plants, animals, minerals, construction, means of production, food, energy, law enforcement, education, information, all health, wealth and natural resources.
The Holy See in Rome rules the roost
The farmer’s mandates are carried out by farm hands’ fictions of law such as the monarchy, governments, non-government organizations [NGOs] like the World Economic Forum, intergovernmental organizations like the World Health Assembly decision-making body of the World Health Organization under the United Nations, corporations, AI controlled media, etc.
Farm animals have no rights
As creatures, farm animals have only privileges ordained by the farmer and enforced by farm hands. Every creature is tagged with identification. Quality and quantity of food are controlled. Barriers and/or conditions limit farm animal movement and interaction.
If one or more animal’s health is perceived at risk, farm hands may isolate, medicate and/or inoculate them. When creatures are no longer productive or become a liability, they may be disposed of by whatever means possible. If overcrowding occurs, farm hands reduce the herd.
Unholy Trinity
Some animals are given higher status than others. This allows the farmer to use them to control the herd. Higher status animals are protected and supported as follows:
Unholy Trinity is the definitive history of a series of profoundly disturbing cover-ups involving the Holy See, Swiss banks, and remnants of the Third Reich. The book published as Unholy Trinity in 1991, became the basis for an ABC Prime Time special on Nazis in Argentina, the country most favored to receive wanted fugitives by Father Draganović and his senior Vatican sponsors, especially then Assistant Secretary of State Giovanni Montini xii (later Pope Paul VI). https://ia902209.us.archive.org/27/items/unholy-trinity-the-vaticans-nazis-soviet-intelligence-and-the-swiss-banks-by-mark-aarons-john-loftus/Mark%20Aarons%2C%20John%20Loftus%20-%20Unholy%20Trinity_%20The%20Vatican%2C%20The%20Nazis%2C%20and%20The%20Swiss%20Banks-St.%20Martin%27s%20Griffin%20%281998%29%20%281%29.pdf
After World War II, thousands of Nazis fled to South America along so-called ratlines — often with help of Catholic clergy.
2015 Root of the Great Reset
The Pope’s encyclical letter ‘LAUDATO SI’: On Care For Our Common Home using emotive language, claimed human creatures are the root of ecological problems that the Pope and fictions of law plan to fix. https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20150524_enciclica-laudato-si.html
1783 Treaty of Paris
The Treaty of Paris was concluded between the King of Great Britain and the United States of America. The King, operating as Arch Treasurer and Prince elector of the Holy Roman Empire means the King works for the Holy See.
The King launched the Great Reset
June 2020, through the Prince of Wales’s Sustainable Markets Initiative and the World Economic Forum, His Royal Highness launched a new global initiative, The Great Reset.
Earth appears to be passing through a rare timeline when everything hidden is revealed, a colossal opportunity for real man living souls to transform mistaken beliefs and graduate off the wheel of pain and suffering.
Acceptance of the truth requires courage [200 hertz]. Courage is the threshold between destructive and constructive living. Map of Consciousness 01:42 mins
Remedies are available to preserve natural man and generations that follow in a safe, just, free world, when a critical mass of people acknowledge what is being revealed, align on purpose, and with clarity, which is power, influence positive outcomes through new awareness, lawful, legal, collective action. TY!
An Arbitration Award won by five Americans with laser focused ‘clarity’ about what they wanted, immunized them from the United States government construct.
Clarity, is one of the steps to manifesting in this physical reality. TY!
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog