Awaken the natural intuitive guidance of your heart; the key to personal power
Your heart-brain neural intelligence.
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Quality of communication between your heart brain and cranial brain
Gregg Braden shares two ways to awaken our powerful heart/brain connection. One technique enables you to connect with your heart to gain crystal clear answers on important questions. Another practice shifts the conversation between your heart and brain to a coherent frequency. When your heart and brain are in coherence, a doorway opens to mystical and intuitive abilities that include self-healing.
07:00 mins Scientists know that every moment the heart is speaking to the brain, and the quality of that conversation tells the brain what chemistry to release into the body.
When we feel negative emotions the quality of signal from our heart to our brain is rough, chaotic, and jagged seen in the print out below. This signals the brain to release high amounts of adrenalin, high amounts of cortisol the stress hormones, to respond quickly, which momentarily is okay.
When we shift from negative emotions to compassion, care, gratitude, and/or appreciation for anything, very, very quickly the signal from the heart to the brain shifts seen in the print out below. It becomes a rhythmic, even, coherent signal and our brain releases a different chemistry into our bodies.
When you are in coherence, the even rhythm awakens your brain to send powerful healing chemistry, powerful immune response, powerful anti-aging hormones, awakens your senses, turns on the gamma wave frequency. The chaotic, jagged signal shuts off those functions in preferential treatment of fight or flight.
Technique to optimize conversation between your heart and brain
@ 09:50 mins Conversation between the heart and brain can be measured electrically.
3 Step process to create heart coherence
@ 15:25 mins
Shift your awareness from your mind into your heart center mid upper chest. Gently touch your heart center in a way that is comfortable b/c touch creates a physical sensation over the heart center, and your awareness will always go to where you feel the sensation.
Slow your breathing to slower than normal perhaps 5 seconds inhale, 5 seconds exhale. The reason this is so powerful is b/c the only time you would breathe that way is when you feel safe; you’re telling your body you’re in a place that is safe.
Begin to feel the feeling that creates 0.1 hertz. Feel the feeling that sets up the coherence between your heart and brain. How? Scientists found there are 4 key words that work almost 100% of the time for everyone. Appreciation for anything or anyone, gratitude for anything or anyone, care for anything or anyone, and
compassion for anything or anyone.
When you feel one or a combination of those feelings in your heart while breathing as if your breath is coming from your heart, touching your heart center, you’re setting up this communication between your heart and your brain, and triggering those neurons to reach out and find other neurons to strengthen this connection. It takes about 72 hours, 3 days to build these networks. This means the more you do this technique, the stronger the connection becomes in your life.
We learn through experience
Reading a book to learn a new skill helps however you learn to ride a bike by riding it; you learn to swim by getting in the water. The same applies to heart/brain coherence, a powerful resource to benefit you personally, all creation [quantum entanglement], and raise the collective consciousness.
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Doreen A Agostino
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