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No POTUS ever stops build-out of the BEAST SYSTEM…
Jan 23.25
Such an arduous and formidable enterprise cannot be a top-down project. Such a daunting and herculean task must be a bottom-up endeavor. For only We the People, who have unwittingly yet narcissistically supported that beastly system, can destroy it.
There is no other way.
There is no other way.
There is no other way.
And, if such a difficult and colossal undertaking is to be successful and enduring, it must be launched as a divinely ordained mission. In other words, given the overwhelming power and pervasive influence of the BEAST SYSTEM, only the “Mandate of Heaven” will sufficiently empower We the People to tear it down.
The unconquerable human spirit
Which brings us to the extremely important notion of destiny as it concerns the American Republic.
These once United States of America just completed a 248-year cycle known in certain circles as “Pluto Return”. Which means the American Revolutionary Period, punctuated on July 4th, 1776, was the last time this nation experienced similar energies marked by intense rebellion and tumult, especially the natural and universal desire for freedom … for bona fide independence.
However, only liberation of the human spirit on a mass scale will create the necessary national environment for the BEAST SYSTEM to undergo a free-fall collapse. Which means there must be a critical mass of US citizens who fervently yearn to live free from the most oppressive BEAST SYSTEM (BS) ever created (and surreptitiously foisted on the USA in order to morph the nation into the military arm of the New World Order).
Mind over matter
Since the BEAST SYSTEM is primarily supported by those who are thoroughly addicted to acting out of fear, when they leave the fear-mongering BS game, it’s game over for the BEAST. For when those heretofore fearful citizens expressly withdraw their energy and remove their backing from all beastly institutions and organizations, leaders and influencers, everything changes in a day and a night.
Nevertheless, a bigger test is that the American body politic must pass through a crucial phase of self empowerment whereby all fears and trepidations are left behind. For it is the BS-manufactured apprehensions and constant state of anxiety, which plague and inevitably paralyze any society that has been relentlessly socially engineered into a narcissistic lifestyle, that truly imprisons US. Which means that all of US have been captured by that NWO agenda of narcissism to varying degrees because of how the countless bankster-funded Tavistock-level mind control programs have been running in the background since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.
However, please know that there is a very simple and unfailing formula to carry out this plan for the American people to throw off the yoke of the BEAST SYSTEM. This formula can be used both individually and collectively, but it really acquires the necessary power to bring down the BEAST when a critical mass of citizens coalesce around it.
It may sound too simple but it’s the first major step toward final liberation from the pernicious planetary penitentiary notoriously known as the BEAST SYSTEM. Don’t forget, we are really incarcerated by our flawed belief systems, false concepts, fabricated limitations, as well as fake principles, values and ideals. Because that’s how the BEAST really imprisoned US all in the first place—it conned each of us into walking into our own prison cell OF OUR OWN ACCORD. Now it’s time to bust out, but first we need to understand “The Plan”. Go deeper at … https://stateofthenation.info/?p=13536
The opposite of war is not peace, it is creation
This ancient war on man is a war on the Highest Authority, the Creator of All That Is, Was, and Ever Shall Be a.k.a. God. The time is now to create a new liberating story for mankind, one human at a time. To be continued …
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog
Such a profound truth: 'The opposite of war is not peace, it is creation'. I often thought that all the dark side was ever successful in was destruction. Despite all their promises their genetic engineering of produce never created but always led to a fast or slow decline of a grain or vegetable bringing soil death with it. Their AI can only replicate what humans put in it, and if the humans stop feeding it... War = Death and Creation = Life.
"If we continue to allow the government to break the law for an emergency; The government will continue to create EMERGENCIES to break the law"