BENEFITS of World Hunger - according to the United Nations
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Food Wars — Starvation Creates Cheaper Labor
Story at a glance
In 2008, an article touting the benefits of world hunger for creating a cheap, motivated workforce was published on the United Nations’ website
The article resurfaced recently on Twitter and went viral; it was promptly taken down by the U.N. within 24 hours
The crux of the article is that the elite class has a distinct motivation to not end world hunger, because if everyone is well-nourished, there may be no one willing to provide cheap labor and slave away at some of the most physically demanding and unpleasant jobs on the planet
While the U.N. claimed the article was satire, its author denied that it was a satirical piece and said it was intended to raise awareness that some people benefit from the existence of hunger in the world
The U.N. released its 2022 Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR2022), which warns that a perfect storm of disasters, economic vulnerability and ecosystem failures are occurring, which predict a coming global collapse.
What could be good about world hunger?
Plenty, according to an article written by now-retired University of Hawaii professor of political science George Kent. The story first ran in 2008 and went largely unnoticed for more than a decade, even though it was, bizarrely, published on the United Nations’ website.
It wasn’t until the article resurfaced on Twitter that it went viral — and was promptly taken down by the U.N. within 24 hours. In response, the UN Chronicle tweeted:
“This article appeared in the UN Chronicle 14 years ago as an attempt at satire and was never meant to be taken literally. We have been made aware of its failures, even as satire, and have removed it from our site.”
Kent, however, who is now the deputy editor for World Nutrition magazine, told Newsbusters that this isn’t the case. “I never intended it as satire,” Kent said. “I did not hope that it would be read as praise for hunger. My main point was and still is that some people benefit from the existence of hunger in the world. That helps to explain why hunger is so persistent in many places.”
Climate change hoax … the perfect storm
For decades, world leaders have been selling out their citizens to globalist agendas: the United Nations, 1972 Earth Summit climate fiction hoax 2015 Trans-Pacific Partnership, 2018 USMCA [US, Mexico, Canada] blueprint for global enslavement under the boot of corporate masters; World Economic Forum handlers 2020-present.
UN sustainable development goals de-coded
Attack on farmers and natural healthy food
“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” Henry Kissinger.
The University of California is developing a plant-based mRNA vaccine in the hopes that farms can grow edible vaccine heads of lettuce.
Mapping some of the biggest vertical farms reveals the crops, grocery stores involved, locations, and billions pouring in by globalist investors and shareholders. It quickly becomes evident that this is the global plan to control all produce – ingredients that go into all food products … and all humans.
Politicians are installed by globalists
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