
The Vatican's Papal Bull Unam Sanctum in 1302 replaced human rights with privileges. https://www.ourgreaterdestiny.ca/p/anyone-who-attacks-the-concept-of

When property [a car, house, etc.] is registered, the government owns it and the buyer who pays for it has the privilege of using it.

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Thank you, Margrit. Indisputable criminality is evident in Canada and the world. The absence of law enforcement to protect natural man is evidence the planet is under military occupation. Maxim: Silent leges inter arma. Laws are silent amidst arms. 4 Co. Inst. 70. More in an upcoming Blog.

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To refuse an injection is the right of everyone. These injections do nothing in relation to covid and they have been shown to be harmful.

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I believe this is murder committed by those who refused her the transplant.

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