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Bank of Canada panicking, printing money, hoping you don’t notice
By Dan Knight
Jan 31.25
Ladies and gentlemen, let’s get something straight: The Bank of Canada just made a desperate move to keep the illusion of stability alive in a country that is already spiraling into economic disaster.
Tiff Macklem, the so-called head of our central bank, just announced the sixth consecutive rate cut, slashing the overnight rate to 3%. On the surface, that might sound like good news for some. Cheaper mortgages, maybe a little relief on your debt. But let’s be real—this isn’t economic strength. This is a blinking red warning light that our economy is in free fall.
1. The Labour Market is Falling Apart
So, What Happened to the “Labor Shortage”? It was a lie.
2. The Housing Market is Being Artificially Inflated (Again)
Who benefits from this? Big banks, real estate speculators, and the Liberal government, which desperately needs economic activity to mask its failures.
3. The Trudeau Government’s Immigration Cuts Will Slow GDP Growth
The Bank of Canada is now forecasting lower economic growth because of reduced immigration targets.
The elephant in the room
The Coming Trade War with the United States. Now, here’s where things get really ugly. The biggest risk to Canada right now isn’t even internal—it’s the United States.
Canada is out of ammo
What’s the Bank of Canada’s plan for this? They don’t have one.
Final Verdict: Canada is on the Edge of a Cliff
What we do not fix, we get to keep
Many of us watched this juggernaut evolve over many decades and b/c humans have been psychologically manipulated for millennia, by a multigenerational satanic cult, most people are blind to the truth.
Perhaps sharing what Dan Knight published above might help Canadians think critically before entering voting booths on Mar 09.25. TY!
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog