Canadian military sacrificed on the political altar [testimony]
The devastating impact of covid mandates on Canadian military.
I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.
The following illustrates the seriousness of what is at stake for everyone.
There is sworn testimony that the direction to have a vaccine mandate for the Armed Forces came from the Prime Minister’s Office. The chain of command humiliated, punished and coerced members into submission. Two legal frameworks apply to members of the Armed Forces, one concerning the Armed Forces under the command of the King, and one for Canadian Citizens, with all rights intact.
Covid mandates gutted the Canadian military
Apr 26.23
National Citizen’s Inquiry partial transcript [not verbatim].
Alberta lawyer Catherine Christensen speaks on behalf of military who feel their trust for the Canadian government is now gone. Ms. Christensen said what she is hearing from the ranks is that, “We don’t trust them anymore. They weren’t looking out for us, they didn’t stand up for us when they should have.”
Leighton Grey: Unknown to most people members of the Canadian Armed Forces are prohibited from speaking negatively about the Canadian Armed Forces or about the chain-of-command and Government of Canada.
Catherine Christensen: That’s correct. Fortunately, I’m not in the chain-of-command, so I can speak for them.
In October 2021, I was approached by hundreds of Canadian Armed Forces members about the directive from the Chief of Defence Staff mandating the injections. I was told stories of what was happening in the ranks, of what commanding officers were doing to their own people. These members asked me to bring my skill set and knowledge to their fight, and I couldn’t let them stand alone.
Our military members were used to set an example for the population of Canada, for a one hundred per cent vaccination rate come hell or high water.
The two Chiefs of Defence Staff ahead of this current serving Chief of Defence Staff did not bring in a mandate. Documentation shows they were very aware it could not be done and no doubt understood the risks of a medical treatment decimating the entire Canadian military if something went wrong. Setting up these men and women to be guinea pigs for an experimental medical treatment and then hiding the damage from it would be a war crime if it was done to prisoners of war. It certainly was a war crime in World War II, yet General Eyre did it to his own people, and he thinks he’s untouchable to answer for it.
What happens to those who followed orders and took the injections and are now permanently disabled? Veterans Affairs Canada is telling them, “No, not service related.” Once again, veterans will face a procedural system that fails them and are forced to go to the court for deserved compensation.
Gag order
Why have the people of Canada not heard what the Canadian Armed Forces did to some of their best people in the name of COVID-19? It’s because members of the Canadian Armed Forces are gagged from speaking out by their own Queen’s Regulations and Orders. They can’t speak out, which made them the perfect population to control.
The Chief of Defence Staff has shown he is willing to sacrifice the entire military and their families under his command for political gain. Indeed, he received a promotion immediately after the mandate was brought in. Vice-Admiral Topshee was promoted to Commander of the Navy after he forced a third booster mandate on the Royal Canadian Navy. These were political appointments for a job well done at the expense of the members they are expected to lead and whose well-being should be paramount for them to protect.
Prime minister has no control over Canadian military
In Canada, we have an additional check for our military that no one even thinks about: Soldiers, sailors, and aircrew do not serve at the pleasure of the Prime Minister, in this case Justin Trudeau. He has no power over our military. They serve at the pleasure of the King of Canada. Technically, the King can turn the military on the government or the police. Keep in mind, the King has the power to dismiss the Prime Minister or dissolve Parliament through the Governor General. His Majesty is the last line of defence. To King Charles, I would say, “Your Canadian military is in deep distress, and your troops need you to intervene before it is too late for Canada.”
Unsuitable for further service
Remedial measures or punishments were being handed out before accommodation requests could be applied for or granted. There was no intention to allow for religious or medical reasons to not take the injections. The right to refuse did not exist in the Canadian Armed Forces according to the chain-of-command.
The true damage to the Canadian Armed Forces has come from the injections themselves, the consequences of an experimental gene therapy and the mandate. COVID-19 did not decimate the Canadian Armed Forces. The leadership did it from within.
Years of service gone, benefits gone, pensions gone or reduced, injured members denied earned benefits of a medical release, denied unemployment insurance benefits, and blocked from some forms of employment due to the release category of 5F [Unsuitable for further service]. The true cost in dollars may never be fully known.
No value to operational readiness
How do I even begin to explain the human cost of COVID-19 mandates on the people and families of the Canadian Armed Forces?
Do I talk about pregnant women in uniform, hounded in their homes and charged with AWOL after being hospitalized, even while the leadership had a policy to not vaccinate a pregnant member with any vaccine?
Do I talk about young, healthy people wanting nothing more than to serve their country being driven out and told they were morally weak and no better than alcoholics, drug addicts, rapists, and domestic violence abusers?
Do I talk about previously healthy men and women now facing medical emergencies and injuries that have left them disabled for life?
Do I talk about the young women who have been sexually assaulted but stayed in uniform only to find senior leadership forcing them into yet another physical assault? To quote one of them, “Being forced to take this into my body by a superior officer was like being raped over a desk at basic training all over again.”
Do I talk about the jeering taunts of non-commissioned officers bragging about coercing another member into taking the shot? “Got another one, boys.”
The list goes on and their voices have been silenced until today. Canada needs to know that the men and women of the Canadian Armed Forces did not let Canada down. All they wanted was to serve in order to protect the freedom and rights the Canadians hold dear, and their predecessors fought for, in the past.
The blame lies in the current leadership of the Canadian Armed Forces, the Chief of Defence Staff, the Surgeon General, the Chaplain General, and the Judge Advocate General, who determined there was nothing wrong with offering the Canadian military up to a medical experiment with no value to operational readiness, and with a cost the members have only started to pay.
Q & A
Commissioner Drysdale: Do you have any idea how many members have either quit, been thrown out, retired early, or in any other way been removed from operational ranks?
Catherine Christensen: I can tell you my best guess, just from how many have talked to me or I’ve heard through the grapevine. I would estimate anywhere between three thousand and five thousand people were lost, and when you’ve got a military as small as ours, we’re talking a huge hit. If you were a business and you lost ten to fifteen per cent of your people in one fell swoop, you’d be out of business and truthfully, in my opinion, the Canadian military right now is out of business. We couldn’t mount a defence of our own country, let alone send people to NATO-involved [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] conflict right now. Video and full transcript
To change trajectory
We need individuals to open their mind to colossal lies about everything. Upgrade your beliefs to include non-physical reality, diffuse censorship by informing others so together we rebut the climate hoax and H5N1 bird flu hoax being ramped up now. TY!
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog
Things are about to get worse.. these Parasite Elites are coming to Kill us All. Perhaps we will come together to fight this obvious corruption and criminal cartel of treason that has taken over Canada.
It is no secret that JT and his criminal cartel want to use the remaining military and illegal immoral immigrants to further decimate Canadians. They are preparing to round us all up for ‘reeducation’ at these staffed FEMA camps. If you are under 45 you might live. Over you will be Guillotined or Gassed to death. Full Stop. Do Not Ever Comply. They have planned to kill most all of humanity off. Obviously the injections are quietly doing the ‘humane depopulation’. Slowly so none is supposed to suspect. Obviously It is right in front of us. Easy to See. May Jesus help us all. Good vs Evil. Go along to get along?
F that. Use your god given Discernment. Do Not Comply.
Well done, Doreen! The PM/GOC commands, and the CF obeys - without protest. How many Chiefs of Defence Staff have you seen resign or fired in protest over what the Government proposed or commanded? None. On the other hand, compliant 'team players' have slipped into sinecures after retirement.
The 'get jabbed or get out' option got rid of the brightest and the best, those with the brains to have penetrated the fog of propaganda, and the integrity to stand by their convictions, the people military forces need the most. The CF has promoted 'yes men' for years and left earnest critics fall by the wayside. We have seen the result nationally and internally, and the object lesson of Covid-19 will be anchored in the military DNA.