Even ‘free range’ is under assault
Make no mistake. The cover up of endless assault on Earth and its many life forms is massively funded and deceptively carried out. Regardless of what fact checkers say, the canopy of haze that blocks blue sky and sunlight for days and/or weeks at a time is real, world-wide, from planes discharging toxic chemicals 24/7. After a day of heavy discharge, the rains come to contaminate the air, crops, water, humans and all life forms. Has anyone else noticed?
War on man
Nov 02.22
By Amandha Dawn Vollmer
Remember when the founder of The Weather Channel, an educated and trained meteorologist, came out calling climate change the hoax it is? Where have people with brains gone to? I bet one component is all the aluminum oxide, barium (more), lithium, calcium chloride and silver salts they are spraying us with.
They are creating weather warfare for many reasons. For one, to shove the lie of climate change down our throats to usher in the absolute unscientific nonsense of carbon as “bad” and therefore humans as “dangerous” and in need of tighter control (when carbon is actually good for plant life and life in general). Carbon footprint, carbon credits, carbon tax, telling you what you can or can’t eat, drink or do…it’s a freedom and dolla-dolla bill grab and an obvious one, for those with eyes to see. They want to reduce carbon, a totally false theory, but WE are carbon… it’s new world order language for “we want to reduce YOU.
In this vanilla coated FOI, they admit to spraying two main chemicals: calcium chloride and “ice flares” which are a combination chemical of acetone, silver iodide, sodium perchlorate, paradichlorobenzene and ammonium iodine that create an ice nuclei of iodide-silver chloride-salt and carbon dioxide. Yes, you heard that right…they are fighting climate change but making combustion products of carbon dioxide? I think I just heard their carbon score take a dive. No more flights for you!
For now, let’s keep digging, educating, strategizing and collaborating to stop the spraying because I cherish all life: nature is what we are meant to protect, not poison. Toying with natural systems is a HUGE mistake, the results of which we are already experiencing. There is no scary climate change, but there is geoengineering at the hands of a few causing climate chaos and manipulating mankind into yet another deep delusion, furthering their plans to create some warped one world order Orwellian dystopia. I am not leaving my daughter in this cesspool of insanity. It’s time to get loud, collect names, and take action.
Weather modification patents date back to 1891
Ontario rainwater tested
Nov 30.22 during a Zoom call, a community member shared the following.
After collecting rain water in south eastern Ontario, he noticed something reddish in the water and asked a biologist friend to test it. The biologist identified a bacterium in the rain water called ‘Serratia Marcescenshe’ that he considered dangerous as follows https://biologydictionary.net/serratia-marcescens/
1950 Operation Sea-Spray military experiment
Operation Sea-Spray was a U.S. Navy secret experiment in which Serratia marcescens and Bacillus globigii bacteria were sprayed over the San Francisco Bay Area in California.
From September 20 to 27, 1950, the U.S. Navy released the pathogens off the shore of San Francisco. Based on results from monitoring equipment at 43 locations around the city, the Army determined that San Francisco had received enough of a dose for nearly all of the city's 800,000 residents to inhale at least 5,000 of the particles.[1][2][3]
On October 11, 1950, eleven residents checked into Stanford Hospital for very rare, serious urinary tract infections. Although ten residents recovered, one patient, Edward J. Nevin died three weeks later. Cases of pneumonia in San Francisco also increased after Serratia marcescens was released.[4][5] (That the simulant bacteria caused these infections and death has never been conclusively established. The bacterium was also combined with phenol and an anthrax simulant and sprayed across south Dorset by US and UK military scientists as part of the DICE trials which ran from 1971 to 1975.[1][7]
The urinary tract outbreak was so unusual, the Stanford doctors wrote it up for a medical journal. [citation needed]
There was no evidence the Army had alerted health authorities before it blanketed the region with bacteria. Doctors later wondered whether the experiment might be responsible for heart valve infections around the same time as well as serious infections seen among intravenous drug users in the 1960s and 1970s.[8]
Italians Blow lid off Chemtrails the ‘Secret War’
This HD documentary film is the first Italian professional film on illegal geo-engineering aka chemtrails. It shows a disturbing covert military agenda behind the sinister phenomenon, one that according to evidence presented includes far more than weather manipulation for “climate change.”
More at https://allnewspipeline.com/Italians_Blow_Chemtrails_Secret_War.php
The way out is within
“In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise up a thousand-fold in the future. When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers, we are not simply protecting their trivial old age, we are thereby ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations.” Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956 .
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
Archive - Our Greater Destiny Blog
Thank you, Jonas. Yes, weather modification has many science-fiction like possibilities. Informative YT channel 2.14 mins https://youtu.be/Obv0tZcc0SI
Super Weapons (Energy Weapons) for Inducing Earthquakes, Landslides, Sinkholes, Snow Avalanche, and Erupting Volcanoes https://www.mentealternativa.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Sheshpari-Paper-Direct-Energy-Weapons-Inducing-Earthquakes..pdf
Are you familiar with super casino weather derivatives? https://stateofthenation.co/?p=127564
Thank you as always. They are are spraying them here also, but it removes the rain. Crops dried up this year(I live on an Island so lowing the temperature over land makes less circulation of air and less condensating of water)
Ther is a website that is called
www.flightradar24.com that monitors all air traffic. When you see a plane with thick condens after it, it is not on there.
They fly 24/7 here also, and turn on and of.
I saw an interview with an airline pilot, and he says it is a tabu subject to discuss, but they all agree that the look of the skies from the cockpit have significally changed.
Kind regards, be well