Alberta, Canada: Okotoks Mayor and Town Council members each served with legal papers
Sept 2022
The Mayor and all Town Councillors were served with ‘Personal Legal Liability’ documents at their last public council meeting for failing to provide ‘Informed Consent’ on medical decisions.
This means, if they attempt to mandate any medical procedure in order to participate in everyday activities such as working, attending school, or a business open to the public, they must ‘also’ provide full documentation of the risks, side effects, and current data and statistics of those who have been affected by the medical procedure.
Partial transcript 4 min video below
The Mayor and Town Councillors are each handed an envelope with documents addressed to them personally. The documents contain scientific research from the CDC, Pfizer, Moderna, VAERS, CAERS, expert virologists, epidemiologists, respiratory specialists, lawyers, psychologists, as well as references to the Canadian Charter, legal precedents, the Nuremburg Code, and laws that were broken during the last two years.
On page 3, under each of their names it reads, ‘NOTICE TO AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL - NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL IS NOTICE TO AGENT’, obliging each of them to ‘share the letter and contents’ of the package with every person above and below them in their chain of authority in their workplace. It is incumbent upon each of them to provide this information to any person requesting information from them on the topic of the vaccinations, masking, and rapid testing so they may make ‘informed decisions’.
The Notice of Liability [NOL] handed to the Mayor and each Town Councillor is step 1 in the process to ‘ultimately hold accountable’ all those who created and implemented unlawful mandates, and those who accepted them, and administered them in their establishments.
Part of the NOL is a reminder to those in authority of the existence and definition of ‘Informed Consent’, which is an ethical and legal principle that ensures our autonomy and right to make decisions regarding our health, which must be free of undue influence, duress, and coercion in making the decisions.
Its purpose is to ‘affirm a person’s right’ to determine what happens to their bodies, and it upholds ‘their duty’ to provide enough information for individuals to make an informed decision.
Consent must be voluntary, given by someone with the capacity to consent, given by a person who is properly informed, and freely given.
Our courts reaffirmed repeatedly our right to refuse treatment even when it is clear the treatment is necessary to preserve our life or health. When explaining the consequences of refusal, those who are explaining those consequences must not create a perception ‘coercion’ in seeking consent.
Video of NOLs being served Okotoks
4 min video
How to serve notice of Informed Consent
Use the package for the Canadian province you live in.
Click the link to see an up-to-date ‘Registered Mail Sent Log’ outlining who has been served
Canadian Leaders Issue Open Letter to End Coercive and Unscientific Policies at Post-secondary institutions
Sept 2022
A press release and open letters to 8 Ontario post secondary Presidents in response to their covid-19 policies are available at
Sept 22-24.22, the press release and appendices were emailed to 1,632 media outlets across Canada.
Endorsed by 10 Canadian leaders, students are preparing to send their own open letter to post-secondary Board of Governors and Presidents in response to their Covid-19 policies.
Students Against Mandates: SAM pushes back
In a society built upon fundamental freedoms, sweeping vaccine mandates — with zero informed consent — are unacceptable. We believe that every student has the right to pursue an education without coercion or discrimination based on a private and personal health choice. It has never been a better time to speak out against government overreach driving unfair and unethical policies. It has never been a better time to take an active role in ‘protecting your rights.’
Belief is the starting point of all action
Many beliefs held by people, often attached to strong emotions, have been influenced by propaganda to steer their opinions, emotions, attitudes, and behaviors. Others see through the propaganda and are ‘pushing back’ to end the deception, harm and oppression.
Volunteers and support are required to raise awareness of steps to set ourselves free. Please click ‘Directory of Allies’ at to see if any of the communities listed are something you’d like to join and/or support.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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