What follows is a partial transcript of what led to chaos impacting everyone’s health, security, prosperity and freedom, to assist in prioritizing where to go from here.
I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.
The pandemic was the triggering event to make the ‘plan’ happen
Jacob Nordangård: Swedish researcher, author, lecturer and musician, Ph.D. in Technology and Social Change, Master of Social Science in Geography, and Master of Social Science in Culture and Media Production.
02:26 mins Host: You are an expert in things lots of people are talking about. Can you tell us what was really going on in the last few decades before this happened?
JN: It’s a long strategic ‘plan’ unfolding for decades about reshaping the system we have, to break down the old order and create the new order great reset.
Host: Can you point out the main history events that led to this?
JN: In 1952, there was a meeting in Williamsburg, United States about population initiated by John D Rockefeller III, grandson to legendary John D Rockefeller, founder of Standard Oil Corporation. John D Rockefeller III was interested in an increasing population and what could be done about this problem rooted in Malthusian ideas about food supplies not meeting the increase in population. Out of that meeting came the Organization Population Council.
Discussed at that meeting was a ‘plan’ to reduce the population on Earth and how this could be achieved. The meeting was attended by many eugenicists, people interested in how we can more or less recreate the human, upgrade humans, improve humans through genetics and other techniques.
Organization Population Council
The Population Council was incorporated in November 1952 by John D. Rockefeller III, and funded initially by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Ford Foundation, Markle Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, and Rockefeller personally.
The Population Council in 2009 published a curriculum for sex education teachers. Recommended activities include students pairing off to role-play “communicating one’s HIV status, sharing what feels pleasurable and what does not, or deciding whether and how to communicate one’s experience of same-sex attraction.” https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/population-council/
06:11 mins Also at this meeting was oceanographer Roger Revelle, one of the most influential persons in the world to introduce the theory of global warming or the human influenced climate connected to this idea of reduction of population, the carbon dioxide theory of climate because carbon is humans and reduction of carbon is reduction of humans in order to get the world into balance.
Roger Revelle and Al Gore
The original paper on CO2 absorption by the oceans published in 1957 by Roger Revelle and Hans Suess, meant that human emissions of carbon dioxide would accumulate in the atmosphere and the CO2 atmospheric concentration would increase, probably causing Earth’s surface to warm at some unknown rate. This is not an alarming conclusion, as Revelle well knew, but Al Gore turned it into one.
Disabled https://wattsupwiththat.com/2020/10/31/roger-revelle/
Replaced Feb 04.24 https://co2coalition.org/news/roger-revelle-the-backstory-of-the-father-of-atmospheric-co2-monitoring/
What is eugenics?
JN: Eugenics is what the Germans were doing, the Nazi party. Their philosophy was grounded in how to get rid of the lesser races, the bad genes; you have to get better genes. Then it was the idea of evolving humans to a super human. A lot of these ideas come through eugenics. It’s the idea to direct human evolution.
08:12 mins I followed the Rockefeller philanthropist, it's in my book ‘’Rockefeller Controlling a Game.” I wanted to know why they were interested in the climate issue. They talked about in their annual reports, about a special project they received a lot of money for and out of that came the Special Studies Project initiated by Nelson Rockefeller. He had or the Rockefeller Brothers had a new friend it was Henry Kissinger. They put him in charge of this new project and hired a lot of influential people, thinkers in United States because Nelson Rockefeller wasn't a thinking guy so he hired people that could do the thinking, the strategies for him.
Prospect for America The Rockefeller Panel Report
Here is the Report.
09:39 mins They also discussed how to create a new world order that is social, political, economic, religious, whatever, in every aspect of life. The Rockefellers are internationalists and wanted to make the United Nations a more powerful institution, a super national organization that could become a kind of world government.
Scientific networks
11:19 mins JN: In this Report they discussed problems they could leverage to further their agenda. They identified science because science and internationalism go hand in hand. There were scientific networks already working across borders that the Rockefeller Foundation worked hard to build. They had funded universities all over the world so they could influence the scientific direction, and what they were prescribing was to use scientific problems that cross borders.
#1 Climate
They identified two main areas. One was climate, the atmosphere and oceans; meteorology and oceanography. In the Report they said we don't have the right weather control [circa 1958]. If you talk about this with climate change and climate science, it evolved out of the military because the military is very interested in climate, weather, how to prepare for an offensive and warfare connected to weather.
They discussed how to influence the climate in certain ways because without good weather control this can spiral out of control requiring international cooperation to handle across borders.
#2 Pandemics
14:50 mins JN: The second area was pandemics or global health because diseases can cross borders so we require international control. The Rockefeller Foundation had already been involved in creation of the International Health Organization, the first version not the World Health Organization that was under the League of Nations.
The Rockefeller Foundation was running the show and involved in the WHO circa 1948 when it was founded.
They had prepared these things and identified the problems and now they were going to work with them. They had this grand ‘plan’ to control populations, which was key. When I studied these things because I wanted to know what was the argument for them to actually promote the climate movement, it was rooted in this idea that we have to control populations and secondly control the resources, people resources and resources of the planet.
You can turn on English subtitles in the video. Source with thanks.
I introduced the first 20 minutes and encourage you to listen further based on Jacob Nordangård’s intensive research and perspective about possible future scenarios.
Natural evolution
Ruling entities know Earth is passing through a rare timeline. A time when humans can awaken from a long sleep and re-member our original blueprint as consciousness unbounded in form, to intentionally create life through us rather than life happening to us.
When a critical mass of humans open their mind and heart to new possibilities, cooperate, and no longer consent to harm, ruling entities are rendered powerless w/out majority consent and a new era can begin. TY!
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog