Catastrophic Contagion 2025 simulation [Or sooner?]
1% vs. 99% of 8 billion people ... How does this make sense?
Remember, the people ‘must’ be informed first
Thanks to James Roguski
The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in partnership with WHO and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, conducted Catastrophic Contagion, a pandemic tabletop exercise at the Grand Challenges Annual Meeting in Brussels, Belgium, on October 23, 2022.
Same entities behind Event 201 in October 2019 that went live. CLICK HERE
Make no mistake
If globalists, via the World Health Organization, obtain approval from UN nation states to establish a legally binding ‘Pandemic Treaty’, it will be the end of bodily autonomy, which is ‘slavery’, and the end of national sovereignty by entities ‘elected’ by the people.
Most people still vote b/c the truth is censored and b/c of devotion to mainstream media, government, religious leaders, and others who sold the 99% out long ago. Sadly, people refuse to believe it, even as loved ones are injured, disabled, and or die after the jab.
The writing, in man’s blood, is on the wall
Lessons from the latest simulation:
Leaders must prepare now to make difficult, critically important decisions with limited information in the early days of the next pandemic in order to increase the chances that a dangerous outbreak can be contained at the source.
It is clear from Catastrophic Contagion that even after the terrible impact of COVID-19, more preparedness work needs to be done, new decisions need to be made, and additional resources committed. We need to expand the limits of our ability to respond. Read more at
SEERS [fear mongering psyop]
Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome 2025 ‘alleged’ simulation.
Almost 3 years to the day, the same people behind Event 201 completed a desktop simulation for a new Enterovirus originating near Brazil. The virus has a higher fatality rate than COVID-19 and disproportionately affects children. 02:44 mins
WHO member states agree to develop legally-binding pandemic treaty early 2023
The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that member states inched closer to developing a legally binding global pandemic treaty.
Today’s agreement by the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB), comprised of WHO’s 194 Member States, was a milestone in the global process to learn from the COVID-19 pandemic and prevent a repeat of the devastating impacts it has had on individuals and communities worldwide. The INB gathered at WHO headquarters in Geneva from 5-7 December for its third meeting since its establishment in December 2021, following a special session of the World Health Assembly.
“Countries have delivered a clear message that the world must be better prepared, coordinated and supported to protect all people, everywhere, from a repeat of COVID-19,” said Mr. Driece, Co-Chair of the INB Bureau. “The decision to task us with the duty to develop a zero draft of a pandemic accord represents a major milestone in the path towards making the world safer.”
W.H.O. claims pandemic treaty will respect sovereignty … until you connect the dots
“States have, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of international law, the sovereign right to determine and manage their approach to public health, notably pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and recovery of health systems pursuant to their own policies and legislation provided that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to other States and their peoples.” Except that
Public Health Agency Of Canada created as branch of WHO; Bill C-12 PHAC Act
Thanks Judy.
Public Health Agency of Canada, is essentially a branch of the World Health Organization. It’s therefore logical that Theresa Tam (or whoever that person is), would actually hold dual roles.
From 2004 to 2006, there were a few significant developments in Canadian politics. The effects of which would finally be felt in 2020, with this fake “pandemic”.
(1) Creation of Public Health Agency of Canada by Order In Council
(2) International Health Regulations, 3rd Edition, Take Effect
(3) Passing of Quarantine Act, based on WHO-IHR
(4) Passing of PHAC Act, giving the Agency real teeth
These events are connected. The 2005 Quarantine Act is domestic implementation of the International Health Regulations. The Provincial Health Acts are derivatives of that. PHAC is a branch of WHO that masquerades as part of the Canadian Government. It was created to fulfill obligations under WHO-IHR.
Far from being a rogue administration, this was advanced by successive Liberal and Conservative Governments. Maybe one of the reasons the Canadian media spent so much time on the Paul Martin/Stephen Harper drama was to divert attention from what was really going on. It may also explain why Erin O’Toole is so blase about martial law being imposed these days. Read more at
G20 Green-Light International Vaccine Passports
The G20, a group of 19 nations — including the U.S. — plus the European Union, held their annual business meeting (B20) in Bali, Indonesia, Nov 2022, where they declared digital vaccine passports, standardized by the World Health Organization, will be part of international pandemic prevention and response moving forward.
Everyone will have difficult choices to make in the future, which will be far easier to do when surrounded and supported by masses of like minded fellow man.
We have been informed.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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