Central bank vying for ‘absolute’ control
Agustín Carstens, General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements [ BIS] re-elected in Nov 2021 for 3 more years. Under 1 minute.
The War Against Financial Freedom
Story at-a-glance
The video features an interview with finance guru Catherine Austin Fitts — publisher of The Solari Report — who warned CBDCs are part of a plan to end all currencies. If that happens, a slavery system, steeped in the ideologies of transhumanism and technocracy, will be ushered in.
Apr 22, 2023
Finance guru Catherine Austin Fitts warns that central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are part of a plan to end all currencies and establish a slavery system
CBDCs will rapidly usher in an era of taxation without representation, leading to the end of liberty
Fitts believes that a deliberate takedown caused Silicon Valley Bank to collapse, in an effort by a variety of players to panic the public and cause a banking run
By creating a banking run, many will take their money out of small banks and put it with the central banks that are at the root of the problem
Leaving the banking system isn’t the answer finding a good local bank or credit union, and using cash, is.
Keep cash alive
Scroll down to the consumer flyer. If you can, print, cut and give slips of paper to retailers when you pay cash. https://globalwalkout.com/keepcashalive/
Disable climate lockdown
Before you fall for another smooth talking politician, and consent in a polling booth to more of the same, remember:
Your Government is committed to push ahead with plans to bring 15-minute cities to a location near you. They are, in effect, climate change lockdowns.
UN Agenda 2030, WEF global reset, 15 Minute Cities
Apr 21, 2023
Consent to a digital ID, a carbon credit score, a programmable central bank digital currency (CBDC) token … is consent to digital open-air prison.
Rise of the digital beast
TD Digital Banking Agreement - Canada
Section 9.3 When can we restrict your access to Digital Banking or cancel this Agreement or your Credentials?
At any time and for any reason, we may:
cancel your Credentials,
cancel this Agreement, and/or
restrict your access to Digital Banking.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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