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Yuval Noah Harari on Artificial Intelligence
Jan 25.25
Yuval Noah Harari explores the complex relationship between information and truth, bureaucracy and mythology, wisdom and power. In this thought-provoking video, Harari addresses the existential crisis faced by humanity today. With ecological collapse looming, rampant misinformation, and the rise of AI-driven information networks, he poses a crucial question: If we are so wise, why are we spiraling into self-destruction?
Drawing from his latest book, Nexus, Harari unravels the story of contemporary information networks and their profound consequences on society. He discusses how humans gain power through cooperation but often sustain these connections by spreading fictions and mass delusions. As we navigate the 21st century, Harari warns about the potential for AI to create a new web of delusions that may hinder future generations from recognizing the truths of our reality. However, he insists that history and technology are not predetermined. By making informed choices, we can still forge a better path forward. If we cannot change the future, then why not engage in a dialogue about it? Don’t miss this insightful exploration of the complexities of our current informational landscape and its implications for our future. Like and subscribe for more thought-provoking content!
My responses to Harari’s question
Response to "If we are so wise, why are we spiraling into self-destruction?"
Most humans today are unable to see through the propaganda and stealth deception b/c an ancient multi-generational satanic cult that has ruled this planet for millennia has brainwashed our species. They studied man's abilities, the constellations and nature to skillfully finesse humans into serving their dark agendas through ‘consent’. Earth is a freewill zone where dark entities ‘must’ inform the people in advance of their dark agendas so humans can rebut; public silence is tacit or implied consent. Consequently, rulers became masters at manufacturing consent where humans consent to something without ever realizing they consented. The covid era proved this fact. https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803100132197
International Crisis Summit Washington, D.C. March 2024. Information about COVID-19 Psychological Operation from mind control expert Jason Christoff.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog