Climate change now USA national security issue Vs. ClimateGate: Global warming scandal Part I of II
Pulled from the memory hole ... University of East Anglia fraud
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Nov 20.24 update at the end: Ice cores don’t lie.
Climate Change impacts USA military readiness and infrastructure
Thanks Judy
July 19.22 former Pentagon spokesman John Kirby, who now serves as National Security Council (NSC) Coordinator for Strategic Communications, said Tuesday that climate change impacts military readiness and infrastructure, and therefore, it is a national security issue.
“It can actually drive military missions and force the military to become involved in places and at times that it wouldn’t have had to otherwise. So again, I don’t want to get ahead of the president or any decisions he may or may not make, but the president believes this is a very important issue for our own national security, and we’re gonna treat it that way,” Kirby said.
Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare [Circa 2025]
If government actually cared about humans and nature they would end weather modification known as cloud seeding, geoengineering, chemtrails, and ship’s tracks that involve the discharge of chemicals 24/7 that spread out to form a chemical canopy that blocks blue sky and vital sunshine, contaminate soil, crops, air, water, humans, animals, create droughts and floods, and steer weather wars [hurricanes, tornadoes, etc.]
Collision of 2 opposing green destinies; Cop26 and East Anglia’s fraud
On November 17, 2009, a major scandal erupted when thousands of emails internally circulated among directors and researchers at East Anglia University’s Climate Research Unit (CRU) were made public. It has not been verified if the scandal occurred via an internal leak or a hack however what was verified throughout the hundreds of emails between director Phil Jones and the teams of climatologists staffing the CRU was that vast scales of fraud were committed. Jones himself was caught red handed demanding that data sets be ignored and massaged in order to justify the climate models (such as Michael Mann’s fraudulent “hockey stick” made famous by Al Gore) which had all been used to sell the idea that CO2 was the greatest threat to humanity. [Supreme Court ruling below - Mann lost!]
East Anglia’s CRU is the world’s foremost center of data set centralization and climate model generation, which feeds directly into the UN’s Independent Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and which in turn feeds into every major NGO, school, corporation and government. The other central control point of data selection and model generation (for both climate change and covid-19 data sets) is an Oxford-based operation called “Our World In Data”, funded in large measure by the UK government and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Putting Mann’s Fraudulent Graph Under the Microscope
Above: contrast and compare Dr Mann’s dodgy graph with Dr Ball’s more reliable version (based on that of the renowned H. H. Lamb) and see how Mann fraudulently altered the proxy climate date with a ‘hockey stick’ shape to falsely show the dramatic uptick with modern temperatures rising ‘catastrophically’ to fit the fake UN IPCC doom saying narrative.
University of Anglia's Climate Research Unit - and The Matrix
The public posting of e-mails from among the University of Anglia's Climate Research Unit -- also known by members of the irrepressible right wing conspiracy contingent as Climategate -- bears some amusing yet disturbing similarities to the popular Sci-Fi movie The Matrix.
The movie's script yields an arresting parallel to the largely unanticipated and equally devastating charges of unethical conduct, fraud, manipulation, and plain distortion of the facts leveled at the rather vociferous cadre of so-called scientists originally anointed to preach the gospel of Anthropogenic Global Warming.
University of East Anglia poster
Part II
Ice cores don’t lie - Nov 20.24
Please look closely at the thousands of years old ‘story told by ice cores’ that diffuses the official narrative about man made global warming. If you have suggestions to leverage this disclosure to end penalizing and restricting man through carbon taxes, 15 min cities, etc. mentioned here please post a comment below. TY!
Without Prejudice and Without Recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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