Information war; Ph.D. level warfare
Unless a critical mass of people acknowledge the war on man and withdraw consent to genocide we could face one of the most epic famines in world history.
Michael Yon, one of America’s youngest Green Berets at 19 years old, joins Dr. Jordan B. Peterson to discuss the current state of affairs across the globe. Michael has traveled and lived over half of his life abroad in more than 80 countries. Author of three books in the United States and three others in Japan, he is America’s most experienced combat correspondent.
Food security risk world-wide
Thanks Judy
Canadian Prairie Provinces are in revolt, with the Premiers of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba unanimously rejecting Trudeau’s proposed fertilizer reduction policy.
Reducing nitrous oxide emissions from fertilizer by 30% below 2020 levels by 203 is one of many silent weapons to significantly reduce populations. ClimateGate and pandemic fiction pit unaware against aware people trying to help the unaware save themselves and loved ones.
Priest Slams Gene Injection: Largest medical experiment in history
Nov 2021
René Dorer considers the government’s coercive and divisive “vaccination strategy a violation of the Nuremberg Code.”
Instead of most Church leaders supporting their flock during the coronavirus pandemic, they have aligned themselves with the government and big pharma narratives. However, there is resistance against compulsory “vaccinations” and blindly following the government within the Church. One who does not conform is Franciscan brother René Dorer.
In an open letter to Bishop Manfred Scheuer, Dorer expressed his outrage at the Church’s silence and their support of many governments’ “unconstitutional and non-evidence-based” lockdowns, mandates, and compulsory “gene therapy drugs.” Furthermore, he slammed leaders within the Church who were muzzling and defaming priests critical of the state’s tyrannical measures.
Pathologist: “I’m trying to protect humanity with this microscope.”
Dr. Ryan Cole:
"You can't attack the science and the data. The cells don't lie. The blood patterns don't lie. The dead people don't lie . . . I'm a pathologist. I don't create a disease. I don't prevent a disease. I am the reported at the scene of the accident. I report the disease . . . pathologists are the quality control of medicine."
"We're seeing tons of 20 and 30-year-olds coming in with breast cancer, and about 99% of people in their population are jabbed."
Radiologist: "I just saw two high-grade breast cancers in two 31-year-old women four weeks after their booster."
Chair of Oncology at a large hospital: "I usually see an aggressive brain cancer in a young patient about every decade or so. I've seen five in the last month after the boosters."
"Left and right, wherever I go, the medical community is starting to speak up and confirm what I'm seeing." 3 min video
The new sovereigns?
Original links in my blog disabled. Is that a clue? Aug 09.22 replacement links
Uninformed consent film - view free
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Without Prejudice and Without Recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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