Confiscation of liberty, truth and future or break the habit of you?
Nothing like the present level of control has ever existed before.
I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.
In the absence of growth, life withers and dies
By Ken La Rive
July 30.24
The truth is a rare commodity valued and abhorred depending on who wants to use it, and why. The powers that influence control our world gained amazing scientifically designed ability to control influence our minds, using many avenues that can bend perception of the Truth.
They are trying to hold the keys to every original thought we have, or think we have, and yet, most would fight to the death to deny it. Our ego pushes back from embarrassment, and no one likes to think they have been played, or lied to. Most will not question their reality, their preconceptions, or the authority that spreads like an umbrella over every aspect of their lives. Trust, is a lot easier than self reflection, and yet it is a universal truth that if there is no growth, life will wither and die… Truth is the catalyst for a viable future of positive growth.
These same oblique tentacles have the ability to reach and influence our free will world wide. When they complete the circumference, when they touch and grab hold, the New World Order will be the ultimate power on planet Earth. Nothing like it has ever existed before, and it will be the matrix for the next transition of humanity. You, I, and every person on the planet, will be on the grid.
You must guard your own mind from influences attempting to strangle your very spirit/soul. We are a product of a reality whispered out of Love, or shoved down our throats, and yet we have a responsibility to fight back, to sort it out. Your mind, heart, and future, will belong to a power you cannot realize, and so well installed in your psyche you may actually believe it is your true nature… Continue at
Natural law
By Gary D. Barnett
July 30, 2024
Government in every aspect of its being is heinous, evil, criminal, and illegitimate, and has no right to claim any authority over any individual, and therefore, has no right to claim authority at all. The edicts of all arbitrary laws, all laws that are not natural, all laws that are suppose to create and enforce rule by one or many over another, in fact, all laws generated by the State, are illegitimate and forever harmful to liberty. Any structure called a ‘legal’ system, if that term held any use, would be illegal. All laws, each and every one, that do not adhere only to the natural laws of man, should be immediately rendered null and void, for no law made by man or government outside that of natural law, is valid. In fact, no court, ‘supreme’ or not, no congress, no government, and no so-called constitution, has any say in the matter whatsoever when any decree is created outside the natural laws of man.
Voting is Satan’s harvest
This ruling class based its control mechanisms on the completely bogus delegation of powers of one over another; but no one has any right to delegate powers it does not have, and never had in the first place. The linchpin of this insanity is voting, a system sold to the non-thinking masses as a way for them to ‘believe’ that they are in control, when it is nothing but a ruse meant to cater to fools. If no individual has a right to arbitrarily rule over and own another, then no person or persons have any right to delegate that rule by some fraud called voting. If an individual has not the right to rule and control his neighbor, then no group calling itself government has that right. The entirety of the political process is a complete fraud.
Since minute one, the courts, actually the entire judicial system, the entire legislature, and all government in general, have been completely corrupt and fraudulent; meant but for one purpose only, and that was (and is) to abandon natural law in favor of a top down domination structure where the few could control the many. Therefore, all those who pretend to be anti-state, who say they believe in freedom at the hands of government, who promote a ‘better’ or ‘limited’ government, who believe that a constitution, any constitution, is worth the paper on which it is written, and any who believe getting ‘better’ masters in charge will bring liberty, are either totally ignorant, totally incompetent, or evil in that they pretend that rule can be benevolent. This has never been, and will never be, regardless of the absurd rhetoric spewed by those pretenders who claim freedom as their objective while promoting this heinous system called the State. Continue at
1] When there is no remedy there is no law b/c without remedy it is unconstitutional, illegal and unlawful.
Maxims law
Where the law gives a thing, it gives a remedy to recover.
Law will always give a remedy.
There is no loss without a remedy.
When an ordinary remedy ceases to be of service, recourse must be had to an extraordinary one.
Where there is a right, there is a remedy.
When the law gives anything, it gives a remedy for the same.
2] When there is harm there is no law b/c harm makes it unconstitutional, illegal and unlawful.
Maxims of law
An oath made among others should neither harm nor profit.
The law works harm to no one, and does no one an injury.
Become the master of your own mind
If you believe your thoughts have something to do with your destiny, and you can’t think greater than how you feel, or your feelings have become the means of thinking, by very definition of emotions you’re thinking in the past, and for the most part, you’re going to keep creating the same life.
Overcome your body: think greater than you feel
By Dr. Joe Dispenza
Is it time to learn how our internal operating system functions so we guard it from infiltration and master it to our own advantage rather than someone else’s advantage?
This means do not think in a vacuum. Every time you have a thought, there is a biochemical reaction in the brain. You make a chemical. We're made of cells and all cells have receptor sites. On their exterior surface they receive information from outside their boundaries and when there's a match in chemistry, frequency and electrical charge between a receptor site and incoming signal from the outside the cell gets turned on to perform certain tasks.
Dr. Joe Dispenza mentions three ingredients that blended together create the cause and effect chemicals known as you. These are neurotransmitters, neural peptides and hormones known as the cause and effect chemicals for brain activity and bodily function. These things can connect to, interact with or influence the cell in a matter of milliseconds.
Think of neurotransmitters as chemical messengers primarily from the brain, neuropeptides as chemical signalers that serve as a bridge between the brain/body to make us feel the way we think and hormones as the chemicals related to feelings primarily in the body.
Breaking the habit of being you is to think greater than the way you feel. In other words, use your thoughts to override the chemicals and ingredients you've been producing in the past. Continue at
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog