Rare opportunity
Facts presented in our posts invite you to magnetize a reality where debris from the past cannot follow. Rather than repel, doubt, fear the closest truth, discover your innate power to engage the truth so the Highest Authority can respond in kind.
Spiritual renaissance foretold
There is a force committed to our salvation, to the conscious awakening from a dream about what we are not, foretold long ago by many indigenous cultures and every major religion. Another force is committed to enslave us, control us, and ultimately destroy man’s Divine potential.
Which ‘force’ wins? Well, that’s up to a critical mass of us b/c the more people aligned on purpose, the more energy to bring focused intention into physical reality. If you doubt this, look at the outcome of majority compliance with covid scamdemic measures.
Conspiracies falsely propagandized as ‘theory‘
What is a conspiracy, an agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.
36 years ago, the fact that AIDS had never been isolated to prove it causes HIV [sound familiar?} was covered up, likely ignored and labelled conspiracy theory.
50 years ago, the fact that communism [socialism is a euphemism for communism] was gradually and persistently moving toward world domination was ignored and likely labelled conspiracy theory.
Today, a world coup d’état, depopulation and global enslavement of man are labelled conspiracy theory, made possible only by bodies willing to support the cause.
Dr. Len Horowitz: The Truth Behind AIDS
Sep 11, 2015
AIDS = acquired immune deficiency syndrome
HIV = human immunodeficiency virus
Dr. Len Horowitz is a Harvard Doctor who discovered the AIDS virus was manufactured in government sponsored bio-medical labs and spread throughout Africa by UN-sponsored vaccination programs. AIDS was first tested in San Francisco when it was introduced into the unsuspecting homosexual community.
Past history and new revelations unmask the truth behind relentless vaccination programs. Depopulation is part of a Luciferian agenda playing out on a global scale by entities whose family heritage dates back to the Pharaohs.
The issue isn't whether or not you believe it, or whether what they believe is true, the ISSUE is they believe it, and what they believe impacts all of us.
For related videos search: AIDS hoax Dr. Len Horowitz
Official Site of the Strecker Memorandum
The story begins in 1983 with Dr. Robert B. Strecker, M.D., Ph.D., a practitioner of internal medicine and gastroenterology in Los Angeles. He is a trained pathologist and holds a Ph.D. in pharmacology. Dr. Strecker and his brother, Ted, an attorney, were preparing a proposal for a health maintenance organization (HMO) for the Security Pacific Bank of California. They needed to know the long-term financial effects of insuring the treatment of AIDS patients. In as much as this information was not readily available in 1983, both brothers began researching the medical literature to learn what they could about this relatively new disease. The information they uncovered right from the beginning was so startling to them, so hard to believe, that it would dramatically alter both their lives and lead them on a five-year quest culminating with the creation of the Strecker Memorandum, the most controversial video of our time and remarkable set of documents called "The Bio-Attack Alert." https://streckermemorandum.com
Strecker Group: AIDS is germ warfare
Proof the AIDS virus and pandemic were predicted. They found top scientists writing in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization were actually requesting AIDS-like viruses be created to study the affects on humans. In fact, the Streckers unearthed thousands of documents all supporting the man-made origin of AIDS. 1 hour 36 mins
Video quality is poor b/c it was taped on VHS in 1987. Unedited transcript is available. for you to read.
Dr. Christl Meyer: AIDS is a hoax
April 2020
Biologist explodes AIDS/HIV conspiracy. 09:19 mins https://www.bitchute.com/video/uOqIWkQamhXf/
No records found
AIDS was never isolated to prove it causes HIV, and SARS-CoV-2 was never isolated to prove it causes covid-19. In silico models were used i.e. computer modelling or computer simulations.
Non-violent take over of the world
These 1969 videos with G. Edward Griffin informed people about communism and revealed endless real-world examples being played out today. 01:19 mins
More videos at https://wonnation.ca/communism-101/
UN promises heaven while coercing man into hell
Success of the United Nations and Agenda 2030 lies in how they present their hellish plans. They offer brilliantly shining gift boxes that play a joyful tune and are almost hypnotizing.
Look how joyful and positive their colorful wheel of sustainability goals were; designed by psychologists, who know exactly what will gain people’s trust.
The UN hired the world’s best copywriters a.k.a. WORD WIZARDS; experts who make magic with words. When you read Agenda 2030, you feel like you’re about to enter heaven. They promise the most wonderful changes on earth, like eradicating poverty, ending hunger, social justice, health for all, and so on. This is how they get the world on their side. https://stopworldcontrol.com/unhell/?inf_contact_key
Take back control of your mind
AI [artificial intelligence] monitors and controls the narrative so when people latch on to propaganda that energizes fear, pits man against man, etc., AI sustains it, which lowers the collective consciousness and keeps us cycling in harmful patterns.
Until a critical mass of people releases attachment to lies that are killing us, which includes voting for more of the same, and non-voting which is implied consent, and starts questioning everyone and everything, we are not victims, we are creators of our own destiny.
Human becoming
These end times invite everyone to become the best version of who and what you truly are …. consciousness unbounded in form. In other words, discover how to transform limiting beliefs in your subconscious mind [at a cellular level] running your life, so your full potential or Divine Self can reveal itself in outer reality … effortlessly.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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