“Hundreds of thousands of Americans killed by COVID-19 vaccines”
Democrat mega donor Steve Kirsch explains why he's fed up
Aug. 11, 2022 - 3:23 - Steve Kirsch says hundreds of thousands of Americans have been killed by COVID-19 vaccines and speaks out against the Democratic Party on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight..
Executive Summary
Someone had to go on Fox News and tell the truth about the vaccines.
So on August 10, at 5:35 pm, I took my shot.
I explained just how dangerous the vaccines are including the hundreds of thousands who have died and the millions who have been injured.
After I recited the stats from Wayne Root’s wedding (which were subsequently validated in other surveys), the host, Brian Kilmeade, said that “we can’t verify those numbers.”
Did he mean “can’t” or “won’t”?
You can hear the numbers confirmed directly from Wayne Root himself in this video along with some of the stories.
I offered FOX the opportunity to verify my numbers.
I’ll let you know what happens next.
Links to the video
Here’s where you can watch the video and read the comments:
Fox News: The entire clip (this has the full clip from start to finish)
Telegram: Vigilant Fox commentary (54 comments)
Telegram: Midnight Rider channel on Telegram (94 comments)
Rumble: Steve Kirsch: The most dangerous vaccine ever created by man.
MSM claims statements on Fox News were false. Wanna bet?
If fact checkers are so sure the statements made were false, there is a million dollars waiting for them to claim. Will any of them take it?
More at https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/mainstream-media-claims-my-statements
Mobile Education Tours - Canada
‘Justice for the Vaccinated’ [J4V] mobile education tours include Canadian doctors visiting communities to disclose the truth about harm and deaths from experimental m-rna gene therapy injections.
People in each community who have been injured or bereft from loss of loved ones are invited to share their stories and truly be heard, and to prevent others from such sorrows. https://vaxjustice.org
If you know someone who experienced an adverse event post injection, please ask them to report details in their country.
Adverse event reporting
Canada https://www.caers.info
Europe https://www.adrreports.eu/en/report_side_effect.html
Q&A: VAERS as a pharmacovigilance tool
Q & A document + charts in the link below.
The count is low in 2022 due to the serious backlog.
Students Against Mandates [SAM]
University of Toronto requires students moving into residence to complete the primary series of vaccinations and a booster dose, at least 14 days prior to their residence move-in date.
Justice for the vaccinated [J4V] in Canada is a resource and support mechanism for students against mandates. J4V is taking a stand to challenge U of T requirements.
Canada https://www.studentsagainstmandates.ca/
USA https://www.studentsagainstmandates.com
Billboards For Truth
Raising the bar with billboards across America and Canada disclosing the truth about adverse events and deaths.
Canada https://billboards4truth.com
USA https://www.banners4freedom.com
Without Prejudice and Without Recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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