Digi-tatorship is a war on children and adults to block evolution of Consciousness | Part !!! of !!!
Power vs. force.
Ancient, satanic influence
May 2016
”If the LGBTTTT Agenda is not completely terminated by people of conscience and good will, it will serve to destroy the entire planetary civilization. Yes, that is how powerful and pervasive this ancient, satanic, movement really is. The following exposé explains how they did it … and how they continue to do it to all of US.”
When Harry Became Sally
Dr. Ryan Anderson
March 2018
03:44 mins Science shows that 80 to 95 % of children with a gender identity conflict will grow out of it. The best science shows 41% of people who identify as transgender will attempt suicide at some point in their lives and people after they have sex reassignment surgery are 19 times more likely to die by suicide.
Global sex reassignment surgery market trend analysis
Thank you, Judy.
It is said that people with severe gender dysphoria who undergo sex reassignment surgery are properly evaluated to be mentally healthy before surgery, determined by doing a mental health evaluation.
Favorable government policies drive the Global Sex Reassignment Surgery Market.
Genspect gives gender-questioning parents a voice
Thank you, Judy.
For too long, parents of gender-questioning children looking for thoughtful care for their children had to remain silent. Now Genspect is giving them a voice.
Parents share their stories, experiences and advice in an effort to open a wider conversation about how young people distressed about their gender are treated.
Lucifer the Androgyne, ancient god of the modern transgender movement
By Steve Barwick
The point of this study is that the modern-day global push for society to accept transgenderism/ androgyny as being a “normal” facet of life is Luciferian in nature and has been throughout history.
In olden times, the caduceus was known as the "staff of the god Hermes," whose female consort was Aphrodite, from whence we get the term "hermaphrodite" – the “he-she” of ancient worship. The caduceus has always been the ancient symbol for androgyny. Yes, the very medical profession now turning turn boys into girls, and vice-versa, through hormone therapy and surgery, does so under that symbol of the caduceus, the same ancient symbol of the he-she androgyne.
The cult of lucifer
“A Faustian pact is offered to all comers and invariably taken before the sin is even realized. Sexual blackmail is rife. Global depopulation becomes the needful and perfunctory necessity toward realizing transhumanization of the mortal realm. That is because the grand enterprise of Luciferic Satanism has been to prepare our species for full spectrum intervention and takeover at the Oversoul level. Universal law determines that this can only occur where permissions are granted by the subject.” Sacha Stone.
A Faustian bargain is a pact where a person trades something of supreme moral or spiritual importance, such as personal values or the soul, for some worldly or material benefit, such as knowledge, power, or riches.
Video and transcript https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/the-cult-of-lucifer/
The Higher Plan
This world age shift, foretold by many Indigenous peoples and major world religions, is a ‘rare’ opportunity to choose the kind of future that will emerge from present chaos. The old ways no longer work b/c the creativity and ability to influence a moral, peaceful, caring, healthy, abundant reality is our higher divine nature, in whose likeness man is made.
The question now is …
How much of ourselves is willing to stop feeding, energizing, and supporting the forces of darkness, so the Highest Authority and only Power can respond in kind?
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Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
Archive - Our Greater Destiny Blog
You are born male or female, unless you are a snail.