Conservative MPs ‘alone’ in fight against carbon tax hike in Canada
Sept 28.22
The Liberals, NDP, and Bloc all voted in favour of the Trudeau Liberals’ plan to ‘triple’ the carbon tax on Wednesday.
Federal Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre, who ran for the party leadership on cancelling the carbon tax, said the “costly coalition of Trudeau-Singh” voted to triple the tax on gas, heat and groceries.
Look under the hood
It’s all staged. In July 2022, former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper endorsed Pierre Poilievre, a likely ‘clue’ that globalists plan to install Poilievre as the next Canadian prime minister.
Harper should know, he’s Chair of the International Democrat Union, the ‘one big’ political party advancing a new world order through politicians they install world-wide.
Alberta, Canada
The Government of Alberta sent instructions to the RCMP K-Division, the arm of the federal police force with authority in Alberta, to ignore direct orders from the federal Trudeau Government to confiscate firearms designated “assault-style” weapons by Ottawa.
Saskatchewan will ignore Ottawa’s request to confiscate firearms
Saskatchewan Chief Firearms Officer Bob Freberg revealed that the province wrote to the RCMP saying “no provincially funded resources of any type,” including the RCMP, will be used for federal Public Safety Minister Marco Medicino’s gun bans and buybacks.
Disarmament ‘always’ Precedes Communist Takeover
Peace, in a world free from war, where all citizens are disarmed ‘except’ the United Nations’ militarized police, supplemented by armed robots and drones is ‘false’ peace.
China’s Unofficial Police Stations in Toronto Part of Growing ‘Transnational Repression’
Sept 26.22
Chinese police set up three unofficial overseas “service stations” in Toronto as part of an operation that now consists of over 50 similar offices in dozens of countries, says a new investigative report.
These operations “eschew official bilateral police and judicial cooperation” and show the worrying growth of “transnational repression” and “long-arm policing” by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the report said, noting that the stations have reportedly targeted not only criminals and corrupt officials but also dissidents.
Excerpt above.
The report argues that the stations have been used to enhance China’s overseas law enforcement capabilities in possible violation of international law. [Sugar coated propaganda]
Willful blindness no more
No longer can anyone turn a blind eye to the facts b/c there is no safety, there is no prestige, there is only conflict and anxiety when you live in a disarmed, globalist controlled, electronic prison.
Voting is like changing the hood ornament on a car before it runs you over. Instead, use ‘cash’ as much as possible. Print the PDF below, cut and hand it to retailers.
You can also look into a step-by-step global walk out to freedom by withdrawing consent to a world coup d’état.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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