Arm yourself with knowledge
Forward by Mary S. Holland, President and General Counsel (on leave), Children’s Health Defense.
Anyone alive today may be forgiven for experiencing PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) about all things COVID—the lockdowns, fear mongering, masking, testing, censorship, suppression of effective treatments, coerced experimental gene-based shots, and the pervasive injuries and deaths. After three years of horror, it is only human to want to put this behind us and to forget. Yet this book makes abundantly clear that we would do so at our own peril. This undeclared war against humanity is not over, and we must arm ourselves with knowledge.
The book’s purpose is to explain what the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine toxicity means for future mRNA vaccines. It outlines three potential mechanisms that likely account for what’s happened:
(1) the toxicity of the lipid nanoparticles;
) the toxicity of the vaccine-induced spike proteins; and
(3) the immune system’s response to them.
It concludes the immune system’s response to the spike proteins is the most significant toxic factor because it both corresponds to the autopsy findings of inflammation and immune system damage and jibes with the theoretical mechanisms of harm.
The book’s conclusion is bleak
Every future mRNA vaccine will induce our cells to produce its own specific antigen, related to the particular microbe it targets. We must therefore expect each such vaccine to induce immunological damage on a similar scale as we have witnessed with those directed against COVID-19.
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Readers of our website will be aware that the mRNA vaccines that have been used against COVID-19 have caused injury and death on an unprecedented scale in the history of medicine.
This book argues that these harms had to be expected from first principles of immunology. Furthermore, they are not limited to the COVID vaccines alone; instead, they are inherent in the mRNA technology as such. We must therefore expect that future mRNA vaccines against other viruses or bacteria will be similarly toxic. mRNA technology will never be safe to use for vaccination against any infectious agent.
Video in the following link Comirnaty or Comirnaughty?
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Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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