Doctors, Senators, Scientists publicly challenge covid stalwarts
The truth is disclosed for us to set ourselves free.
Dr. Peter McCullough USA
Sept 23.22
“Dr Peter McCullough testifies under oath that mRNA injections are killing children. Two teenage boys died due to injection confirmed by autopsies. Dr. McCullough declares that all mRNA injections should stop immediately and be pulled from the market before more children die.”
Senator Gerard Rennick Australia
Dec 02.22
Here we are at the end of 2022, and we’ve had over 10 million cases of COVID. The Australian health department, of course, stopped counting around September sometime because, I think, it was getting too embarrassing to admit that, despite over 20 million people having been vaccinated, over half the country had caught COVID. Whatever happened to protecting you? But we don’t want to talk about that anymore. We’ll just pull it off the website and we’ll not discuss it. More at
Dr. Masanori Fukushima Japan
Nov 30.22 video date
Dr. Masanori Fukushima, Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University, wastes no time telling the truth, and scolding incompetent bureaucrats for deceiving and poisoning the people of Japan.
"You are ignoring science! It's a disaster. You spend billions on the vaccine & force people to inject it...due to the vax, natural immunity has been suppressed".
Please copy and paste without spaces otherwise I am unable to post the link.
https:// v1yaz9s-japanese-professor-calls-out-the-covid-vaccine-bs.html
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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