Documentaries: Died Suddenly & BlueTRuth: Are the jabbed transmitters?
Media Access Control Address; code emitted wirelessly from mRNA injected humans.
Willful blindness harms us all
No longer can anyone turn a blind eye to the facts in order to feel safe, avoid conflict, reduce anxiety, and/or protect prestige.
Thank you, Bob.
A shocking film
What is going on in our world? Millions of people worldwide die suddenly after receiving experimental m-RNA gene therapy injections. What is found in their blood vessels seems to come straight from a horror movie, evident in countries world-wide.
Caution: 45 to 48 mins into the video frighteningly alarming scenes of people dropping dead.
Blue Truth Documentary: Are the vaccinated transmitters?
Outside the body, in a vial, the vaccine, which is not a vaccine it’s gene therapy technology, is non-magnetic. Apparently, when graphene enters the interior of an organism and changes its temperature it reacts with hydrogen and water in the body, and that’s when the graphene hydroxide is formed and it magnetizes. In Nov 2021, using electronic microscopy, graphene was detected in Pfizer, Astra-Zeneca, Moderna, and Johnson and Johnson covid injections.
Full disclosure requires informing individuals of the presence of an electronic device in the vial, and obtaining full consent ‘before’ injecting it.
Nov 2021 study by Dr. Pablo Campra revealing graphene in covid-19 injections.
The Poisoned Needle
Suppressed Facts About Vaccination:
By Eleanor McBean, PhD, ND 1957
Discusses Small Pox decline before Vaccines, history of Vaccines, Cancer and Vaccines, Syphilis, other diseases caused by Vaccines, Polio, Medical interference. Cold hard facts and studies, examples, charts, photos and proof are included in this important work.
"The cause of disease is stubbornly ignored, and seeds for more disease are sown with the use of vaccination. This infusion of poison into the masses only serves to intensify the disease in some cases, suppress the symptoms in others, and create new and more serious disease. Eleanor McBean accumulated compelling evidence regarding vaccination of the masses, the role of politics and profit, and reasons we should reject The Poisoned Needle.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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