Dr. Michael Yeadon's plea to Dr. Robert Malone + all cause mortality
Level with your audience Dr. Malone!
SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is a lie
Dr. Michael Yeadon, former VP Pfizer, fears Robert Malone and David Martin are using their extensive platforms among other things, to reinforce the idea there’s been a novel and lethal respiratory virus striding across the globe, which is untrue however both Malone and Martin speak as though it is true.
Letter from Dr. Michael Yeadon to Dr. Robert Malone [excerpts]
Dear Robert, I’m impressed by your work rate and your insightful passion. I’m troubled by one really important thing, though! You’re surely aware of the epidemiological analyses by Denis Rancourt and colleagues?
This shows by analysis of state by state all-cause mortality (age, sex, date only, ignoring claims of a cause of death, since this is subject to manipulation) that there was no excess death anywhere until after WHO called a pandemic.
They did so based on “confirmed cases”, which you and I know is essentially fraud since PCR cannot be used as a clinical diagnostic. What Rancourt’s findings rule out is a pandemic.
The bottom lines are twofold.
1. There is no evidence of any kind of pandemic
2. Therefore there wasn’t a novel respiratory virus, either.
It was all lies. There’s copious evidence of planning for a “pandemic” going back over 25 years. All had authoritarian regimes and mass vaccination as objectives.
The evidence that matters shows there wasn’t a pandemic. The authorities knew there wasn’t a pandemic. In light of this, all the oppressive “measures” should rightly be seen as planned terrorism. Not “mistakes”. No mistakes were made.
It’s very important that you level with your large audience. Please tell them there wasn’t a novel virus & that the injections were carefully designed to hurt people. If you don’t do these things, I fear you’re inadvertently amplifying the perpetrators’ intentions.
You can read the entire letter at
SAR-CoV-2 no records, no science
From Christine Massey
April 11, 2023:
3+ years later and still the folks at Public Health Wales failed to provide or cite for Tim any record of anyone on Earth finding and purifying the imaginary "SARS-COV-2" from any bodily fluid/tissue/excrement, ever:
(Public Health Wales’ earlier confessions/failures can be found here.)
May 2023:
Some anonymous man/woman, or perhaps AI program, at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, Wales confessed to Tim they don't have any record of anyone on Earth ever finding and purifying the imaginary "SARS-COV-2" from any bodily fluid/tissue/excrement, and suggested that he ask Public Health Wales for records (see above, lol):
Needless animal deaths and more at
National Citizens Inquiry: Denis Rancourt
Denis G. Rancourt PhD is a Scientist, Social & political Theorist, and Researcher at the Ontario Civil Liberties Association. His latest research reveals the vaccine-dose fatality rate from Covid vaccines increases exponentially with age and is close to 1% compared to < 0.01 % for young adults (< 45 year olds). This suggests the elderly should never have been prioritized to receive these vaccines. The study authors estimate a total of approximately 13 million deaths globally from covid-19 vaccines.
All cause mortality is an extremely powerful data set b/c it includes deaths from ‘all’ causes, ruling out bias and/or data manipulation.
Expert witness Denis Rancourt Book of Exhibits
Denis Rancourt’s Shocking All-Cause Mortality Findings
The number of injections people have taken also makes a huge difference to their chances of dying. “We have shown that the risk of death increases dramatically the more doses you received. The third and fourth doses are much more dangerous, and this is accentuated with age. These third and fourth doses are so toxic for those receiving them that it brings up an extra sharp peak in mortality,” Rancourt explained.
History repeats b/c man repeats
Prior civilizations were destroyed to ‘cleanse’ the Earth of dark, dense energy caused by humans disrespectful to the Earth, one another, nature and animals.
During this rare timeline Earth is passing through, a shift of world ages foretold by many indigenous cultures and major world religions, and technology to inform and cooperate with one another, we have an opportunity to inform the masses and make much wiser choices.
Please save Dennis Rancourt’s and Christine Massey’s evidence and use them as resources to inform others.
End of covid and contagion myth summit
Paradigm-shifting online educational experience begins June 20th, with free viewing for a period of 3 weeks.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
Archive - Our Greater Destiny Blog
Hello BJ and thank you for asking.
Proving existence of SARS-CoV-2 pits man against man, an age old tactic to divide and conquer unaware humans. Censorship, deception, distractions make it difficult to know what is true however collaboration and cooperation help connect the dots to see the bigger picture.
FINAL REFUTAL OF VIROLOGY https://www.bitchute.com/video/jw3D3fexbCij/
Where does Dr. Peter McCullough play into all of this? I beleive he has said it does
"No record of anyone on Earth finding and purifying the imaginary "SARS-COV-2" from any bodily fluid/tissue/excrement, ever"