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Official press conference
From Jason Christoff
Sept 05.24
In this official press conference in Ontario (removed from video achieve by corrupt government) we see one member of Ontario Provincial Parliament attempting to warn the public as to what's going on. The public needs to awaken.
Lisa Robinson, Councillor Pickering, Ontario
Aug 31.24
Friends, neighbors and fellow Canadians. I stand before you today, not as just an elected official but as a deeply concerned Canadian who believes that our beloved city and municipalities across Ontario and Canada are heading in a dangerously wrong direction. It is with a heavy heart and a clear sense of duty that I address the serious concerns and allegations I must make against my Council, the Corporation of the City of Pickering, and other levels of government.
Partial transcript not verbatim:
Some of our city leaders have strayed far from the principles they were elected to uphold. They have shown a blatant disregard for the constitutional rights of our citizens, their freedom of speech, their freedom of expression and their freedom of the press, which are all being trampled on in pursuit of ideological and personal agendas.
Our bylaws are broken repeatedly catering to special interest groups and developers while the voices of ordinary citizens like yours and mine are silenced. In recent months, Pickering Council introduced draconian, undemocratic policies that limit public participation and transparency within our Chambers, delegation time limits slashed from 10 minutes to 5, the public is no longer allowed to record public meetings and the media too is barred from recording unless given a 2/3 majority of council's approval. Already Council showed their true colors by voting against a media whose outlet holds opposing views.
It is not only happening in Pickering but in other municipalities as well and any elected official pushing for this should step down immediately for betraying the very democratic process we were all elected to protect. This move isn't just undemocratic it's authoritarian. We must fiercely oppose any effort to strip the people of their right to have a voice and to choose their leaders. Our duty is to serve, it's not to rule the people. 24:30 mins
Lisa Robinson deserves a critical mass of support
I reached out to https://freedomrising.info executives to ask if we can garner support for Lisa Robinson throughout truth defender communities Coast to Coast in Canada … to put unity back in community!
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog
Way to go Lisa! We need more people like you telling the truth!
Thank you Lisa for telling it like it is. Bravo!