Trust the military? The military runs the US Where Covid came from..geo engineering, internet...etc

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Yes, and information is mostly inverted. What if military instructs people to board a bus or van? Will they ever be seen again?

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This👆🏻! Or to turn over our guns!

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I don't trust anyone on the Internet, especially the son of a WEF founder.

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I agree, that's a big red flag! Truth is, I really don't trust any human being, sad to say, not even myself, to do the right thing when their neck is on the block. I only completely trust my creator.

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And ... what if Pascal Najadi is a closet-WEF'er pretending to be a 'white-knight'? I would need more convincing argument before I would believe that TRUMP is a 'rescuer'. The man is a shit-head' ... and convincingly proved m 'aspersions' of his character when he had Solomeini, the Iranian general murdered in cold blood and then ponced around bragging about it. Also, Trump made his son-in-law, a J-Cult WEF'er an 'advisor' re J-Cult business in the ME. Oh and did I mention the establishment of Jerusalem as new US designated capital ... for nefarious shenanigans. Trump, a saviour, gimme-a- break! Next thing we'll have Netanyahu as an ark-angel.

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21Author

In March 2020, Trump signed into law a pair of bills designed to boost wireless and broadband networks, the 'Secure 5G and Beyond Act'. The Act requires the President to develop a strategy to secure and protect 5G technology. Would Trump have signed it if he cared about the health of the American people? https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/senate-bill/893/text

5G interferes with oxygen absorption in the body https://stop5g.cz/us/5g-60ghz-wireless-network-oxygen-absorption-unable-to-breath/

Thanks for you comment b/c I just inserted the above red flag into my Blog.

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You are right. If Pascal Najadi is telling the truth, we will find out soon enough, without sharing his warnings, which might be just another "Trust-The-Plan" crock of shit.

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Hmmm... as much as I want to believe this, I remain very skeptical. I'd be more inclined to believe if the military first sealed off D.C. and arrested all the traitors. (which might take a couple of months.) Then do the same at the State level as well.(pretty much the entire Dem party). My big concern is that so many people have put their faith in one man. The historical track record for leaders with this kind of devoted following for the most part has not been good. I guess all I can do for now is to hope for the best but remain prepared for the worst.

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Thank you VA. Mar 19.24 I was introduced to someone through a friend. This someone's story is similar to Pascal [emergency broadcast of the truth world-wide from the military; 209 countries on board with a military alliance with ETs to assist IF humans take up the fight against the cabal; a threshold is required before the announcement, etc.] So, I asked this someone how could Pascal announce the plan in Feb 2024 when the threshold has not been reached. I await a response.

BTW: It was made clear that the military's Internet Interactive Activities Operation [IIA] is purposeful fake news. The military uses IIA as a psychological operation for tactical social media warfare programs. When you watch any social media influencer of any status, always in your mind must be the concept of IIA Operations. https://www.ourgreaterdestiny.ca/p/shocking-reality-behind-pfizer-m

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Thanks for the info. I hope you are doing great. I've been under the weather since late Feb. Your subtack has done quite well - 184 views and 19 links , better than any of my movie posts actually.I have been trying to show my support for you and Lena Petrova by getting people to check out your work. She is doing pretty good also. I have enjoyed reading your posts and also your videos, you put out interesting info. Well take care.

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Mar 25·edited Mar 25Author

Much appreciated, and I hope others do the same [share] at this critical juncture.

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Unfortunately, it has now been established and verified that the [US] military were heavily involved in the 9-11 acts of terrorism. Funny what bureaucrats can get involved in, when 2.3 TRILLION DOLLARS goes missing, without trace. The un-accountability of military governance is such a dangerous thing for any society, on so many different levels. Worst of all of course is that it actually means that the government of the country is hamstrung and just a conduit for dishing-out the people's money to whomever 'the Military' instructs them to. So, if plebs were awake, they would be jettisoning the military and ALL current crooks pretending to be Governments. Get rid of the lot of them ... they're incestuous anyway and the countries, yours, mine, and every other so called ' western-democracy.'

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What if escalating pressure on real man living souls world-wide is to shake individuals out of apathy, lethargy, denial, and allowing colossal abuse of power made blatantly obvious since 2020?

How many individuals will summon the courage to examine their beliefs and behaviors contributing to the status quo, and upgrade them? Voting for another tyrant is not a solution b/c they are all on the same team; gender ideology, age inappropriate sex education, absence of law enforcement, ignoring constituents, chemtrails, the covid and climate hoaxes prove it.

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WW# Fought like no other , even the grandmothers have come to this party. All the best to you all, love from New Zealand.

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Vladimir Putin: Google "Polygraph test of Ella Gareeva"

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Mar 20·edited Mar 20Author

Perhaps individuals could take a polygraph test to discover they have been lied to and that they are far more powerful than ever imagined. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09UdIqT0s9A -- The Hampstead Cover-Up

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