I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.
The illusion of freedom ends, unless rebutted
By Leo Hohmann
Feb 25.24
Christine LeGarde, globalist French politician and president of the European Central Bank since 2019, recently announced the European Union is getting closer to launching its new central bank digital currency.
LeGarde, using classic political posturing, speaks out of both sides of her mouth. On one side, she promises the new digital euro will be purely voluntary and that paper cash will always be an available option. On the other, she says that she has no real control over the details of the new digital currency because that will be left up to E.U. legislators.
Secure and private: e-identify for ‘your’ lifetime
Jan 07, 2024
CPA Lena Petrova says banks will tokenize customer deposits before they roll out their CBDCs. In the following video, Petrova lays out the key to the coming digital system. They will tokenize your assets. The other part of the deal is that they will also tokenize your existence through the issuance of a digital ID. Any asset, living or nonliving, can be tokenized.
What is a digital token?
A digital token is a digital asset that can be manipulated by a financial institution. A tokenized customer's deposit is subject to rules defined by its issuer. Example: A customer's bank deposit may have rules that allow the money to be spent only on certain services or certain products. 10:52 mins
Manufactured consent
All levels and branches of government and their primary tool of subversion non-government organizations, all law enforcement, religious leaders, corporations, media, academia are advancing a world coup that will lock down and enslave every real man living soul through mind controlled majority consent. 04:47 mins
Do you value truth, justice, peace, freedom?
Cash, like emergency stairs, can be a life saver when the power goes down or a hurricane hits. So why would anyone ‘consent’ to live w/out it?
It is up to each of us to actively shine light on darkness, so there is nowhere left for it to hide. TY!
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog