Exclusive: "We are totally awash in pseudoscience" Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist
Climate change is not a crisis.
His speech 'postponed' by the IMF, John Clauser speaks out
Nobel Prize-winning physicist John Clauser is not afraid to go against the flow.
In a July 26 interview with The Epoch Times, Mr. Clauser explained that he carried out his early research on quantum mechanics against opposition from some in the field.
As a young man, he pulled off the first experiment to demonstrate the reality of non-local quantum entanglement—that is, the strange linkage between multiple particles across any physical distance. That groundbreaking work earned him one-third of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics.
Today, the 80-year-old scientist is up against another establishment. This time, though, he's not just violating a prediction so as to rule out an alternative explanation to quantum mechanics. He's violating a taboo that has slowly but surely become one of the biggest in science and politics.
"I am, I guess, what you would call a 'climate change denialist,'" Mr. Clauser told The Epoch Times.
His training in science makes him "a little bit different than some others," he said.
The physicist, who also won a third of the Wolf Prize for his quantum mechanics contributions, shared some of his views on climate during a recent talk in South Korea soon after his election to the CO2 Coalition's board of directors.
'Dangerous Misinformation'
"I believe that climate change is not a crisis," Mr. Clauser told the audience at Quantum Korea 2023.
He also described the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as "one of the worst sources of dangerous misinformation."
Mr. Clauser elaborated further on his views in his interview with The Epoch Times.
Contra the IPCC and other major institutions, he argues that climate is primarily set by what he refers to as the "cloud cover thermostat," a self-regulating process whereby more clouds start to enshroud the Earth when the temperature is too high, and vice-versa. Although he accepts observations showing that atmospheric carbon dioxide is increasing, he believes that gas's effect on heat transfer is swamped by a great natural cloud cycle.
"It [the carbon dioxide] may or may not be made by human beings," Ms. Clauser said. "It doesn't really matter where it comes from."
The physicist believes that objective science on climate has been sacrificed to politics. The preeminence of politics is all the worse, he said, because so much money has already gone to climate.
"We're talking about trillions of dollars," he said, adding that powerful people don't want to hear that they've made "trillion-dollar mistakes."
Concerns about such mistakes may have been relevant after Mr. Clauser was slated to speak before the U.N.'s International Monetary Fund (IMF) on July 25.
In recent years, the international economic and monetary agency has focused heavily on climate. Officials have laid particular stress on international carbon taxes.
"The latest IMF analysis finds that large emitting countries need to introduce a carbon tax that rises quickly to $75 a ton in 2030," the agency's website on climate mitigation states.
Just days before his talk was to take place, the Nobel laureate got some alarming news.
Mr. Clauser told The Epoch Times he'd received an email indicating that the IMF's Independent Evaluation Office Director, Pablo Moreno, did not want the talk to go forward that day.
In an email, an IEO senior official told The Epoch Times that Mr. Clauser's speech "has been postponed to reorganize it into a panel discussion."
"We are working to reschedule it after the summer," the official added. Continue reading at
Dismantling the climate con
Celebrities, activists, environmentalist organizations, the UN, government entities, and even the Vatican support the theory that humans cause climate change.
In this exclusive interview, “global warming” expert and author Marc Morano provides hard-hitting arguments and facts that dispel fear propagated by “climate emergency” alarmists pushing a tyrannical legislative agenda.
Video content
Climate hoax is an excuse to increase regulatory power and decrease disposable income, to make life more difficult for everyone; the most anti-human agenda ever.
Depopulation via fertility management and abortions.
Global warming changed to climate emergency due to 20 years of no global warming.
Past records erased and replaced with data to reinforce the climate hoax. 20-24:00 mins
Indoctrination in colleges and schools. Fear is used to sell the climate hoax and create child climate cops. 29-34:00 mins
Where did the 97% come from 34-37:10 mins
Carbon taxes used to increase consumer costs with no impact on climate. 38-42 mins
Climatism’s religious component 44-48:00 mins
Socialism and climate change: mastermind every aspect of human activity including depopulation. 51 to the end.
The real climate emergency is in classrooms
A courageous mother explains why she is concerned about the promotion of gender theory and transgenderism to children in public schools. Why is this happening when so many parents believe that the innocence of their children should be a priority, not gender theory? This God-loving-and-fearing mom spoke at the Wake County School Board Meeting in North Carolina. She is articulate, respectful, and bold. God bless her.
How to take back your power
Dr. Michael Yeadon figured it out. Please listen for at least 62 seconds at the 37:00 min mark.
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