Fires in the last 24 hours USA/Canada and the World [FIRMS] maps
Fire Information for Resource Management Systems.
June 13.23: Link added below to counter black carbon poisoning from fires.
Art that ‘sticks’ with you
For its April 26, 2021 edition, TIME thought to highlight the ever-growing and increasingly-palpable threat of climate change. And for its cover, it sought out talented Malaysian artist Red Hong Yi in the hopes that she’d deliver something truly memorable.
Continents on fire
US/Canada fire map
NASA's Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS) provides near real-time active fire data from MODIS and VIIRS to meet the needs of firefighters, scientists, and users interested in monitoring fires.;@-100.0,40.0,4z
World fire map;@4.5,7.3,3z
Nova Scotia: while your homes were burning
June 04.23
A team of retired professional highly trained experienced DNR forest fire fighters fought with the NS Gov to be deployed to raging forest fires for 4 days last week in June 2023 . The Government turned them down repeatedly. 04:53 mins
03:45 mins If you lost your house and fires remained out of control, when a politician looks you in the eye and says “We did everything we could” they’re lying to your face.
Canadian FEMA
June 07.23
Discussions underway to create a Canadian version of the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency, an "all hazards" system designed to ensure the Government of Canada can respond appropriately to all types of national emergencies and threats, including natural disasters, national security, and cyber incidents,
Fires & Smoke: Homeopathy Can Help
June 13.23
A subscriber kindly posted a link to counter black carbon poisoning from fires.
Information presented here is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed here are for educational purposes only.
Please hold a genuine intention and pray that people who lost their homes to fire will find family and/or friends to take them in rather than rely on government to place them somewhere.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
Archive - Our Greater Destiny Blog
Thanks Doreen. Where there's smoke, there's fire. Literally and figuratively. It must be ''climate change.''