I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.
Major fires across whole plate
June 07.23
From dutchsince
Things have gone next level with the fires across the plate illustrated in this video. New York City under serious smoke, the whole country seeing some version of the Canadian fire smoke. This update covers almost all locations on the planet, as well as the fires in Canada, USA and Mexico.
New fires popping up in Canada on a clear day and unrelated to wind. Alberta and British Columbia fires burning next to tens of thousands of oil and gas wells.
All Of South Quebec Simultaneously Erupted In Flames
Evidence suggests militant level arson is responsible.
Wildfires As A Weapon: unprecedented behavior of wildfires
Aug 2022
Is the military industrial complex insane enough to incinerate Earth's last remaining forests in order to achieve the objectives of global controllers? Yes!
01:46 mins Firefighter says “Every single person I’ve talked to so far has made mention they don't know why it's doing what it's doing. It's burning differently, it's burning more aggressive than it has in years past. I know we say that every year but it's unprecedented! It's burning in every direction all at the same time.”
7:35 mins To serve as fuel, all living vegetation on the ground level must be killed by a desiccation treatment. The moisture content of this material must be reduced to a low level I.E to a point where the heat produced by combustion and transferred to new fuels will exceed the heat absorbed by water remaining in the fuel.
Question: Is it just an amazing coincidence that forest fuel moistures are now commonly at record low levels in countless regions all over the world that are incinerating from wildfires of record intensity?
Fight for life
08:28 mins For the record. Climate engineering elements are desiccants starting with aluminum which also kills soils root systems and thus forests.
12:16 mins In addition to treating live vegetation with desiccant chemicals and timing incendiary operations to take every possible advantage of the weather, forest fires can be made to spread more rapidly and burn more intensely by igniting many small fires in a predetermined pattern.
Fires and Smoke: Homeopathy can help
June 13.23
A subscriber kindly posted a link to counter black carbon poisoning from fires. https://mirandacastro.com/fires-smoke/
Smoke from Canadian fires made its way into many USA states.
History repeats with greater intensity unless ‘we’ change
Outer world follows inner world
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
Archive - Our Greater Destiny Blog
Thank you, Elizabeth! I added the link 'Fires & Smoke: Homeopathy Can Help' to 3 fire related Blogs I posted.
check out the website of homeopath Miranda Castro for some suggested homeopathic medicines to help with smoke from the fires https://mirandacastro.com/fires-smoke/