Food and vitamin supplement alert: Folic acid +++
Learning to take responsibility for ourselves.
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Northern Ireland
Food producers will have to add folic acid to non-whole meal flour by law from 2026.
Folic acid will be added to all non-whole meal wheat flour from the end of 2026 to prevent issues in hundreds of babies every year.
Folic acid is a synthetic form of vitamin B9 also known as folate.
NOTE: Also known as, does ‘not’ mean the same as.
Thanks to Jason Christoff for folic acid notice and video.
Folic acid is ‘not’ folate
32:54 mins Dr. Toner After cutting out folic acid everything got better, I mean everything. There was not a single thing that didn't get better just doing that alone. So I got really deep into the literature and the policies. When did they start putting this in our food, who's behind it, who's making us sick? Weeks and weeks and weeks I was up till like 2-3 in the morning reading all the studies, reading the policies. Who were these guys obsessed with a depopulation agenda? They all went to Yale in the 70s. Bill Gates was involved. It hit Congress floor in 1993, the fortification process or the Bill for fortification.
What is the fortification process?
Dr Toner: Folic acid is a chemical synthetically made and it differs from folate. That’s the semantics game they're playing. Especially in the literature. You find it interchangeable all over the place and I think that's intentional.
Folic acid enters the methylation equation or the folate cycle at a different place than methyl folate but that place is the cause of all disease essentially. There's lots of sources of real folate.
Folic acid is a chemical made in a lab. They've known about this chemical for a really long time but totally different from folate; could not be more different. There may be slight similarities but in no other place do we call two things so different the same name interchangeably.
Natural is not interchangeable with artificial
The term folate is used interchangeably with the term folic acid, the form used for fortification of foods and as dietary supplements.
Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 173 / Thursday, September 5, 1996
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is clarifying how it intends to implement regulations it issued in March 1996 that require that, by January 1, 1998, certain standardized enriched grain products be fortified with folic acid, with respect to foods to which this substance is to be added or that include ingredients to which this substance is to be added. To facilitate initiation of fortification for firms who elect to voluntarily fortify foods in a manner that is consistent with the new folic acid fortification requirements, the agency is unlikely to enforce the ingredient declaration and nutrition labeling requirements of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act) with respect to this nutrient until after January 1, 1998.
Since 1998, the Government of Canada has required that folic acid be added to all white flour, enriched pasta, and cornmeal products sold in Canada.
Vitamin B9
Vitamin B9 also called folate, comes from whole grains and leafy veggies because they are rich in this nutrient. Folic acid is its chemical form, which is not readily absorbed by the body. Synthetic, chemical Folic Acid is also known as PGA. It is not recommended for consumption as food or drug.
Toxicity of folic acid given in pharmacological doses to healthy volunteers
Jan 10, 1970
A trial to elucidate the effect of folic acid in pharmacological doses (15 mg. daily) on serum-vitamin-B12 levels in a group of fourteen healthy volunteers was abandoned after 1 month of a projected 3-month period because of the unexpected development of increasingly disturbing toxic effects in the majority. Most of the subjects experienced mental changes, sleep disturbance and gastrointestinal symptoms.
Vitamin B12 and folate
Vitamin B-12 and folate are present in many foods including liver, egg yolks, dried beans, split peas, spinach, beetroot, brussels sprouts, and broccoli. They help the body synthesize new proteins, red blood cells, and white blood cells.
The untold history of food Fortification and Enrichment
By Agent 131711
Feb 17.24
Christians say “Trust in God”, in Scientism they say, “Trust the Science”. So, Science figuratively watered down all the phenomenal nutrients in the marvelous orange, then named it Vitamin C. Next, playing God, Science created a synthetic (chemical) version of Vitamin C and began claiming that swallowing two-a-day of their chemical pills is identical to eating oranges.
With that being said, when we buy Vitamins and Supplements, we are buying lab-made chemicals, because Science does not have a way to make all of those incredible nutrients and micro-nutrients. Science only has chemicals. Science does not have real Vitamins; only synthetic attempts at replication. This means, when our food is Enriched and Fortified, it is being chemically treated with a variety of chemical compounds, which, we are told, are identical to eating fresh foods consisting of all of the nutrients. Clearly this is not true. It is a hoax. And if you dig deep enough, you discover it is a deadly hoax, at that.
A ‘lot’ of what we are told is inverted, it’s backwards, it’s the exact opposite.
To more easily transition these shifting times requires an open mind, critical thinking, introspection, cooperation with others and courage to acknowledge the truth of betrayal by church, state, corporate, media et al. TY!
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog
Just added to my Blog: Since 1998, the Government of Canada has required that folic acid be added to all white flour, enriched pasta, and cornmeal products sold in Canada.
A little bit of folic acid, a little bit of fluoride, a little bit of aluminum, a little bit of mercury, a little bit of bromine, add polyethylene glycol ….day in, day out…. So commonplace it’s almost normalized. Thanks Doreen, folic acid has been evading my radar.