Geo-engineering setting sail to plunder the oceans
Marine geo-engineering: Learn, share with others, rebut.
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What is geo-engineering?
Climate geoengineering refers to large-scale schemes for intervention in the Earth’s oceans, soils and atmosphere with the aim of reducing the effects of climate change, usually temporarily.
The main categories of proposed geoengineering techniques are:
Most support for geoengineering comes from a small group of ‘installed’ engineers, and handful of billionaires, joined by politicians and many former climate deniers. Above categories detailed at
Press Release: Geoengineering our oceans needs to be halted
June 08.24
Over 100 civil society organizations including NGOs, Indigenous Peoples’ groups, climate justice networks and social justice movements from across the world signaled deep concern about the growing number of open air and water marine geoengineering experiments in defiance of international agreements, calling on governments to prevent them from taking place.
Civil society reiterated these projects, often driven by carbon offsets, pose significant threats to marine ecosystems and communities. “Techniques like, ocean alkalinization, large algae monocultures, biomass sinking and other geoengineering techniques claim to remove carbon from the ocean but are unproven and risky, and could disrupt marine food chains, cause lack of oxygen in some ocean layers and in many ways threaten natural marine ecosystems that already have a vital role in absorbing CO2,” said Silvia Ribeiro, from ETC Group.
Mary Church, Geoengineering Campaign Manager at the Center for International Environmental Law [CIEL] said, “We strongly welcome Alameda City Council’s unanimous decision to say no to the first open-air Marine Cloud Brightening experiment in the US. The rejection rightfully reflects the gravity of what’s at stake for both local and global communities.” [See marine cloud brightening below].
Panganga Pungowiyi added, “Marine geoengineering initiatives proceed without the Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) of Indigenous communities, perpetuating a cycle where companies profit by marketing them as carbon credits, enabling continued pollution by fossil fuel companies. The impending widespread implementation of geoengineering at scale not only endangers Indigenous lifeways and cosmovision but also undermines the delicate balance of Mother Earth.”
Marine Cloud Brightening
Mike Morales July 12, 1966 - April 28, 2023. Mike Morales regularly live streamed weather warfare until age 56 when cancer took his life.
Dec 28.19
18:40 mins Mike Morale points out contradictions and lies in the NASA interview at 11:29 mins, and links climate chaos to mass discharge of chemicals from aircraft and bunker fuel from ships.
20:20–22:00 mins. Watch long lines billow out from ships called bunker fuel. These are the most toxic emissions on the planet. It's like leftovers of making fuel and when they get off shore they flick the tanks and start running this stuff. They call it accidental geo-engineering, accidental cloud brightening, cloud whitening but it's actually a multifaceted and multi-purpose agenda, it’s a eugenics program, it's a weather program.
13 of these ships put off more emissions in one day than all the cars on the planet, just to put that in perspective. The whole weather is being controlled to push agendas.
Geo-Engineering 101 - Cloud whitening
Jim Lee
Apr 21.24
Chemtrails of the sea don’t die, they multiply. 04:55 mins
NGOs: A word of caution
NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations) are the choice tool of subversion, destabilization and domination for the New World Order.
We don’t just have NGOs; we have an actual NGO complex controlled by the New World Order, part of their psychological operations and perception management department. It ensures that American democracy and humanitarian interventions (both doublespeak oxymorons) are coated with sugar to go down well.
UN climate talks: Setting sail to plunder the oceans
July 01.24
Opinion piece by Mary Church, Centre for International Environmental Law (CIEL) and Hands Off Mother Earth (HOME) Alliance, originally posted by
Climate finance is key
Instead of concrete finance commitments and delivery, carbon markets are increasingly being spun as climate finance, with some increasingly desperate nations on the frontlines of the climate crisis grasping wishfully at the idea that a 5% share of proceeds from markets under the Paris Agreement will plug the longstanding gap on adaptation funding, and others preparing to sell off their rich ecosystems as some form or other of carbon credits.
Social and environmental harms of novel land based Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) schemes are increasingly exposed at a scale to impact the climate, Bioenergy Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS), one of the most widely touted CDR technologies, would require twice the entire global land area currently under cultivation, oceans are being sized up as the next frontier for such exploitation.
Oceans are already our greatest ally in the fight against climate change. Alarmingly, however, highly speculative and risky theories about engineering them at will to sequester and store ever more carbon are increasingly being incorporated into the climate policy landscape.
Carbon dioxide removal [CDR]
Crucially, a commercial factor is a key element under both regimes in restricting outdoor experiments – which of course is inherent in any ocean-based CDR envisaged under carbon markets, voluntary or otherwise.
The fact is, however, that none of the marine geoengineering approaches increasingly referred to as CDR do anything to tackle the root causes of climate change, and none have been able to demonstrate that they can effectively capture or store carbon with any permanence.
At least 40 open-water marine geoengineering experiments are currently underway or in planning, across a variety of theories and technologies, many of which have a clear commercial element and are likely in violation of international agreements.
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All kingdoms are presently under attack
Meanwhile most people refuse to open their mind and/or make better quality choices that benefit them and everyone b/c majority rules. TY!
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
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