Excerpts and COP28 new ending.
Results of experiment in monetary manipulation
By James Corbett
Aug 20.23
CBDCs are deeply unpopular with the general public and we have a chance of stopping them in their tracks.
If you listen to the stenographers and presstitutes of the establishment dinosaur media, you'll believe CBDCs not only represent an exciting opportunity to bring our outdated paper money system into the digital age, but that they'll be bestowed on us by the benevolent central banker technocrats in the next year or two (if we're lucky!).
If you listen to the pundits in alternative media, however, you'll believe that CBDCs not only represent the greatest threat to human freedom in our lifetime, but that they'll be forced upon us by the evil central bankster overlords in the next year or two (no matter what we do to fend them off).
Do you see the similarities in these two "competing" narratives? In both cases, you and your opinion about CBDCs are utterly irrelevant. It's a fait accompli. You can love 'em or hate 'em, embrace them or recoil from them, but whatever your position, you will be forced to use them.
But this just isn't true. In fact, we're already seeing a massive global pushback against the CBDC agenda. And this pushback is already causing the banksters to panic and pull back on their grand plan for world domination.
Global Pushback
When globalists are looking for a population to test their latest technology of enslavement, they turn to Africa. From genetic manipulation to vaccine experiments to agricultural "revolution," there is no shortage of examples of pathocrats disguising their experiments in technocratic tyranny as philanthropic concern for the poor, beleaguered people of that continent. Africa is once again serving as a laboratory for the latest globalist technocrat pet project: digital money.
Nigeria became one of the first nation's in the world to adopt an official, national central bank digital currency when the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) launched the eNaira amid much fanfare in October 2021. Promoted with the slogan "Same Naira, more possibilities!" the bankster class collectively held its breath as it watched this trial run of digital money unfold before their eyes.
The early results of this experiment, however, were not promising for the money manipulators. Despite a massive push of the eNaira by the government and breathless coverage of its rollout in the establishment media, it was revealed one year after the digital currency's launch that a mere 0.5% of the population—one in every 200 people—had actually used it.
Central bankers are quietly admitting there are no real advantages to retail CBDCs and there are even potential downsides to their introduction.
Consent is power - use it wisely
The constant stream of propaganda, conditioning and censorship we are subjected to from governments, establishment institutions and their lapdog media is not a sign of their strength. It is a sign of their weakness.
The fact they have to spend billions of dollars a year pumping lies and misinformation into the heads of the people in order to keep them from seeing the truth, is a tacit admission that our thoughts and opinions actually do matter. After all, why would they bother propagandizing to us at all if they didn't require our approval (or at least our docile apathy) to continue pursuing their agenda?
People DO NOT WANT programmable money and the vast majority see it for what it is: another trick on the part of the establishment to take more power and control away from every day people and put it in the hands of the banksters and their cronies.
That's why this is the time to seize the momentum of public opinion and steer it into actual productive activity. We can encourage Cash Friday awareness. [Use cash for all transactions instead of just Fridays.]
We can build up local trading communities based on alternative and complementary currencies. We can introduce those around us to Agorist.Market. We can promote community currencies and precious metals and decentralized cryptos and barter circles and the million other forms of survival currency that clued-in Corbetteers have been researching for years.
The time has come to harvest those seeds you've been planting! The public is on our side!
Yes, our resistance and pushback do matter. It does make a difference. We do have a part to play in this. Now, let's go out there and put the final nail in the CBDC coffin.
More at https://corbettreport.substack.com/p/the-global-uprising-against-cbdcs
Will COP28 Nov/Dec 2023 seal our fate?
Pushback needs to be colossal and BEFORE King Charles III and globalists meet Sept 18-19, 2023 in New York to plot how to accelerate UN Agenda 2030 goals and complete their digitalization of humanity.
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Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
Archive - Our Greater Destiny Blog
We need social credit scores.... for politicians.
Anything centralized is going to be corrupted. Decentralized is going to be free. But decentralized and aligned? Will be unstoppable.
The way we fight back is simple. It’s not easy, but it is simple. It starts with swarming. A new kind of technology where we can make our own decentralized and transparent systems separated from government and plug them into the existing corrupted ones.
Swarming isn’t fully developed yet. It isn’t trustworthy enough to scale up for large swarms yet. But it will be soon.
If you really want to fight back, learn about swarming, decentralization, and transparent systems.
There will be a new world order soon. It will be the people once again in control once we swarm these problems together, and organize our alignment into an unstoppable leaderless organization.
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