Our strength is in unity - withdraw consent
The third step of the global walkout is to unsubscribe from all mainstream media outlets. Delete the apps from your phone, laptop and tablet and unfollow all of their social media and YouTube channels. Try to avoid mainstream media for at least one week, even if the headline is intriguing.
Click the link to access a print out explaining why we need to BREAK from mainstream media, and more. https://globalwalkout.com/step-3/
Natural time vs mechanical time
The rare timeline Earth is passing through is the NATURAL close of one world age before another can begin, which includes a period of purification. This world age close involves many, many cycles within grand cycles of time closing at the same time.
Many peoples spoke of these last days of the Great Cycle, including the: Maya, Hopi, Egyptians, Kabbalists, Essenes, Qero Elders of Peru, Navajo, Cherokee, Apache, Iroquois Confederacy, Dogon Tribe and Aborigines.
Globalists know the timeline Earth is passing through and work tirelessly to distract, deceive, weaken, and keep man in fear, so people remain ‘unaware’ of the rare opportunity to begin anew rather than live behind the veil of social fiction and unexamined indoctrination.
A new era will mirror choices each of us make moment to moment now, so unless we change the way we look at things, the things we look at will remain the same or worse.
Prayer of the 7 Galactic Directions
Global walk out to freedom
The opportunity to walk ‘together’ step by step into a new era of truth, justice, peace, prosperity and freedom is now.
“Do not walk in front of me … I may not follow. Do not walk behind me … I may not lead. Instead, walk beside me … and be my friend.’ Albert Camus.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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